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Her 15-year-old child was arrested for drugs, Lilis Karlina is silent


Child Lilies Karlina with the initials RD secured by the Purwakarta Police Narcotics Investigation Unit. The 15-year-old teenager is suspected of being involved in drug trafficking.

Police declined to comment on RD who is the son of the senior sworddut. His party only wanted to focus on the drug case, moreover the perpetrators were children who were still in grade 3 of junior high school (SMP).

However, judging by CNN Indonesia, which aired on Tuesday (14/3/2023), Lilis Karlina appeared to have visited the Purwakarta Police. He arrived dressed in all black.

The Karawang rocker, the owner of the sword, covered part of his face. He chose to walk away without saying a word and left the Purwakarta Police.

Simultaneously with the arrest of RD, the police secured evidence of 925 items of the Hexymer type drug, 740 Tramadol items and 200 Trihexyphenidyl type drugs. The three types of drugs are prohibited from being traded freely in the community.

The arrest was made on Sunday (12/3/2023). RD admitted that he got the drugs through online transactions.

The drugs were then sold again by RD. He markets it online and buyers in person.

“Suspect RD violated Article 196 of Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years,” said the Purwakarta Police Chief, AKBP Edwar Zulkarnain.

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