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Hepatitis C, 120,000 letters for prevention from the Messina ASP

MESSINA. Epatite C can be eradicated: it is one of the objectives set by the WHO and Messina, as part of the Rete HCV Sicilyis concretely demonstrating its commitment through a significant inter-institutional synergy which sees the Regional Department, the University with the AOU G. Martino, the ASP and the Medical Association as protagonists, meeting yesterday in the auditorium of the Order’s headquarters to take stock of the state of affairs, thanks in the presence of illustrious speakers.

The campaign against the HCV virus, which causes hepatitis C, is already active and foreseen free tests for those born between 1969 and 1989 because they are considered a more at-risk target. «For this purpose, 200 million euros from the Ministry of Health have been foreseen – recalled the UniMe hepatologist Giovanni Raimondo– allocated before the pandemic and maintained after it: a huge amount that makes us understand well the importance of the disease and the objective of eradicating the virus.”

The HCV network also allows a uniform management throughout the region of treatments for HCV infection with i specific anti-viral drugsi (DAA = direct antiviral agents) which allow recovery from the virus with therapeutic cycles.

«Identifying subjects with the infection, improving the possibility of an early diagnosis, starting patients on treatment to avoid the complications of advanced liver disease and interrupting the further circulation of the virus are therefore the objectives of the initiative» highlighted the rector UniMe Giovanna Spatarialso in the role of national president of the SIML (Italian occupational medicine society).

For the president of the Order Giacomo Caudo A fundamental role is played by general practitioners who can encourage their patients to take the test, given that hepatitis C has no specific symptoms and therefore many people may not realize they have been infected.

The AOU health director G. Martino Giuseppe Murolo reiterated the commitment of the Messina Polyclinic in this direction; the director of the Asp Messina screening management centre Sara Cuffari highlighted the health company’s work with the 120 miles easier sent to the province of Messina to urge checks on the so-called “target” population, i.e. potentially infected and who today, thanks to a treatment with a few pills, can recover permanently.

The hepatologist’s reports delve deeper into the pathology and its dangerous complications from a scientific and clinical point of view Irene Cacciolaof the professor of Occupational Medicine Concetta Fengaof the general practitioner and councilor of the Order Antonino Campisi and the Fimmg provincial general secretary Aurelio Lembo who also moderated the conference, which was well attended by doctors

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