Home » today » World » Henryk Wujec is very ill, he is in the hospital. His condition had worsened since June

Henryk Wujec is very ill, he is in the hospital. His condition had worsened since June

The Democratic Union informed about the serious health of Henryk Wujec and the Holy Mass in his intention.

“Our beloved Henio Wujec is fighting hard diseases. August 13 at 13.30 in the church of St. Martin in Warsaw there will be a holy mass for his health. If you are stationary or passing through Warsaw on this day, we invite you to pray together. Henio, you have to win! “- it was written on the party’s Facebook page.

Service WP.pl informs that Wujec ill for some time, and in June his condition was so good that it allowed to vote in elections. When the second round of elections was held in July, Wujec was already in the hospital. Then he appealed in a post on Facebook to participate in the elections and to persuade others to vote for Rafaa Trzaskowskiego.

Solidarity activist and MP in free Poland

Henryk Wujec was born in 1940. From the 1970s, he was involved in opposition activities and helping workers. He sat in the authorities of NSZZ “Solidarity” and was interned during martial law. He took part in the Round Table talks.

In the years 1989–2001 he was a member of the Unia Demokratycznej and Unia Wolności. He was the deputy minister of agriculture, and in 2010–2015 an advisor President Bronisław Komorowski for social affairs.

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