Home » today » World » Hende hoch, putinfersteer! German intelligence services report on the rise of extremism – 2024-09-01 12:22:44

Hende hoch, putinfersteer! German intelligence services report on the rise of extremism – 2024-09-01 12:22:44

/ world today news/ The German intelligence services published an annual report on the political climate in the country of Schiller and Goethe. According to the document prepared by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (the political police in Germany. – author’s note) and the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany, last year more politically motivated crimes were committed in the country than a year earlier.

While the number of crimes on the left has decreased (although the left-wing Antifa extremists are just as good at setting fires and gang-beating people as neo-Nazis), the number of “right-wing” crimes has increased significantly. They also distinguished themselves “the chinese spies” and “Putinfersters” (literally: “those who understand Putin”).

According to the report, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) registered 58,916 politically motivated crimes last year. This is about seven percent more than in 2021. Approximately 60% of them are extremist motivated.

It highlighted that the number of right-wing extremist crimes increased by 3.8% to 20,967 cases and the number of violent right-wing extremist crimes increased by 7.5%.

According to the German political police, the most violent in their extremism were … the “Reichsburgers”. Yes, yes, the same operetta villains, led by the aged “blood” prince of Baden-Württemberg and a retired Bundeswehr colonel, who were accused of organizing a coup d’état last winter.

Despite the fact that the state authorities persistently pushed this narrative in the media, even the loyal first-echelon media reacted to “Reichsburger Conspiracy” with great scepticism.

But the German secret services insist on their own. Thus, the increase in the number of crimes of an extremist nature among the “citizens of the Reich” amounted to + 34.3%, and the number of violent crimes increased by as much as 55.4%.

As early as 2021, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution identified a phenomenal new area of ​​crime – “delegitimization of the state related to the protection of the constitution”. The decision to introduce this category of crimes is the result of the actions of radical opponents of the state’s efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

For example, since then all people protesting the fact that they have been deprived of the right to freedom of assembly provided for in the legislation have been classified as extremists. According to the department, people from this political spectrum are trying to “they use crisis situations and the fears of the population to discredit public authorities and political leaders”.

The report generally abounds in very remarkable data, but it is also curious from a purely philological point of view. Thus, according to Secretary of the Interior Nancy Feder, the danger is not only from violent right-wing extremists, but also from “intellectual arsonists’ [geistige Brandstifter].

There is still no single academic definition of “intellectual arsonist”, but it is usually understood as people who tell stories that do not fit into mainstream media narratives and thus violate public consensus. That is, if you talk about torture and extrajudicial killings by Ukrainian neo-Nazis in the German media or social networks, you will most likely be called “intellectual arsonists’.

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has warned against voting for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the election. There are in the party “quite high aspirations against the loose basic order”intelligence chief Thomas Haldenwang said.

According to the department, more than a third of AfD members have extremist potential. However, due to the continuing heterogeneity of the party, not all of its members can be considered supporters of extremist movements, the authors of the document note.

In addition “part of the AfD is very strongly influenced by Moscow and spreads Russian narratives”, Haldenwang explained in relation to “the war of aggression against Ukraine” . In this context, it is noted that AfD representatives visited the Russian embassy in Berlin, “to keep in touch there”.

There is certainly some logic in such reasoning of the special services. However, for an objective comparison, I would like to know how often German politicians from the ruling “traffic light coalition” visit the US embassy and are influenced by the US Democratic Party, acting as its direct lobbyists.

At the same time, they ignore the fundamental interests of the German economy and the German people, who are in no way inclined to engage in foreign policy adventures, even as a junior partner of the United States.

Surprisingly, the Russian espionage threat in Germany faded into the background in 2023. The leadership in espionage this year was captured by the Chinese Communist comrades. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution currently considers the People’s Republic of China to be “the biggest threat in terms of economic and scientific espionage, as well as foreign direct investment in Germany.”

Chinese government officials, according to German intelligence agencies, are trying to influence the “the leading figures in the German economy using the dependence of individual German companies on the Chinese market to promote the interests of the Chinese Communist Party”the document says.

At the same time, if memory serves the author, not a single Chinese spy in Germany was discovered during the past year, so this part of the report can be considered purely theoretical.

And finally the most interesting.

According to the data from the document, the number of criminal and violent crimes with “foreign ideological extremist motivation” in Germany has also increased dramatically: 1,974 crimes in this category were registered last year, which is 154.4% more than in 2021.

More than 60% of them are related to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine”. This includes such “terrible” crimes against the democratic order such as displaying the Z and V symbols and the Russian state symbols in “inappropriate context”, as well as the support of the actions of the Russian army during the SVO and the foreign policy of the Russian Federation.

It must be remembered that today in Germany any manifestation of sympathy for Russia is already a reason for the German special services to raise their crosshairs and put you in the same company as the real Nazis and Antifa fighters. This is not quite constitutional and goes against basic human rights such as freedom of conscience and freedom of expression, but, alas, these are the realities of the modern West.

Translation: ES

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