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HEMA Quebec blood drive

This spring I donate blood

This spring, give the gift of life and help those in need of a blood product transfusion get back to health. It is possible to plan a donation now for the blood drive which will be held on Thursday, May 27, between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., at the Société des arts technologie located at 1201, boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montreal. The objective of this event is to welcome 70 donors.

Donate blood. Give life.

Useful information

Héma-Québec is doing everything it can to continue to make donation a safe experience.

Numerous measures at all collection sites, in particular controls on access to collection sites with temperature measurement of donors and volunteers, additional disinfection measures and a revised logistical organization of collections in order to comply with the measures of distancing.

To view all the measures deployed: https://www.hema-quebec.qc.ca/coronavirus/index.fr.html

It is also necessary to make an appointment before coming to collection. You can contact 1 800 343-7264 (SANG), write to [email protected], or make an appointment online.

Héma-Québec’s activities are considered priority and essential, and are not targeted by the travel restriction measures. If necessary, a travel authorization will be sent to you by email the day before your appointment.

Who can donate?

Anyone in good health, 18 years of age or older, can usually donate blood.

Before going to a blood drive, you can check your eligibility with Donor Client Services at 1 800 847-2525 or visit the Héma-Québec website at www.hema-quebec.qc.ca, section Donors> Blood> Can I donate?

Information: Héma-Québec Media line | 514 832-0871 www.hema-quebec.qc.ca

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