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Helping households in Nunavut, in the Canadian Far North – Eye on the Arctic

In Nunavut, low-income households can receive average monthly benefits around $ 3,100 to support their housing costs. (Marc Godbout / Radio-Canada)

The Canadian government recently announced financial support to several hundred low-income households in Nunavut in the Far North for housing-related expenses.

This is one of several announcements made on the eve of the federal election on September 20.

“$ 18 million [sont prévus] to support more than 670 low-income households in need through the new Canada-Nunavut Housing Benefit, ”said a Canadian government release.

The Canada-Nunavut Housing Benefit is jointly funded by the federal and territorial governments.

Several vulnerable categories of the population can benefit from it. We can cite “women and children who are victims of or threatened with family violence, the elderly, indigenous populations, people with disabilities”.

Everyone deserves a safe and secure home. The Canada-Nunavut Housing Benefit is designed to give needy households a boost and provide them with additional stability during these uncertain times. Over the next eight years, we estimate that this funding will go to approximately 670 homes in communities across Nunavut. Without a doubt, this is going to have a big impact on many lives here in Nunavut. This is the National Housing Strategy at work.Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

Low-income households are not the only ones to benefit from this type of assistance. Across Canada, there are at least 300,000 households receiving the Canada Housing Benefit.

In Nunavut, “eligible households can receive an average monthly benefit around $ 3,100 to support their housing costs.”

With information from the Canadian government

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