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Helping Elderly Manage Emotions: Common Mood Disorders and Behavioral Signs

[Ming Pao News]Elderly people have conflicts and disputes with others, or do things that harm others or themselves, leading to tragedies. There are frequent news reports, and the situation is cause for concern. When the elderly are emotionally disturbed without proper venting or processing, it not only affects their daily life, social interactions, and sleep quality, but also increases the risk of emotional diseases, such as depression, anxiety, etc., posing a threat to physical and mental health and life. . Therefore, it is very important to help the elderly manage their emotions properly. (Editor’s note: Emotional distress does not happen overnight for the elderly. It is recommended that family members or caregivers pay more attention to the elderly if they have the following 8 behavioral symptoms, including: insomnia or lethargy, loss of motivation for most things, restlessness, appetite or weight Obvious changes, etc., must be dealt with as soon as possible…)

Common mood disorders, depression and anxiety, 8 behavioral signs that the elderly and caregivers should pay attention to

The most common emotional illnesses among the elderly include depression and anxiety, and the causes are simply divided into environmental factors and personal factors.

◆Environmental factors have changed, making it difficult for the elderly to adapt and feel stressed and depressed

When the external environment and things change, such as socioeconomic, political, and family conditions, the elderly have difficulty adapting and feel pressured, resulting in different emotional reactions such as tension, worry, fear, resentment, and depression.

It seems that during the COVID-19 epidemic, under the influence of social distance and isolation measures, the daily routine of the elderly has been disrupted and social activities have stopped, making the elderly feel helpless, lonely and depressed. The survey found that during the fifth wave of the epidemic, many elderly people suffered from negative emotions such as depression, anxiety or loneliness because they were worried that the infection would affect their families.

Deal with it early – The most common emotional illnesses among the elderly are depression and anxiety. If family members or caregivers notice that the elder has emotional distress, they should deal with it as soon as possible. (AmnajKhetsamtip@iStockphoto)

◆Personal factors such as illness and death of loved ones can lead to negative emotions

Changes in the elder’s personality or situation may lead to different negative emotions, including:

‧Degeneration of body functions (such as hearing, vision, mobility, swallowing ability, etc.)

‧Suffering from diseases (such as dementia, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, cancer, various pain conditions, etc.)

‧The death or departure of relatives (such as the death of a spouse, the immigration or relocation of children, etc.)

‧Change in role (such as retirement, unemployment, etc.)

‧Thinking patterns (such as pessimistic thinking, avoiding facing problems, etc.)

‧Character (such as being overly nervous about things, stubborn, not accepting other people’s opinions, not wanting to trouble others, etc.)

Physical deterioration – As the elderly age, their physical functions decline, which can easily damage their self-esteem and self-confidence and affect their mood. (RyanKing999@iStockphoto)

Physical deterioration, loss of dependence, triggers depression

As age increases, the elderly’s physical functions decline, and their ability to take care of themselves and move weakens. Coupled with the impact of the disease, they need long-term medication, follow-up consultations, and endure the pain, discomfort and different medical procedures caused by the disease; while the frail elderly even have to take a bath, People need assistance when going to the toilet, eating, etc. These changes affect self-image, damage self-esteem and self-confidence, and even deny oneself, thinking that one is useless and worthless, and feel depressed, hopeless, meaningless, and physically and mentally exhausted about life and survival. Suffering, emotionally disturbed.

In addition, the elderly will face various losses after retirement, including financial income, job satisfaction, power and social status. In the family, the person loses his role as the breadwinner of the family and changes from the previous role of caregiver to the one being cared for. When their children grow up and leave the family after marriage, the elderly lose the support of their children; and when their spouse dies, they lose the dependence and emotional support of their spouse. Many changes make the elderly feel worried, confused and uneasy about their later life. They may also feel abandoned and develop depression, anxiety and other emotions.

Pay attention to 8 behavioral signs of emotional changes

Emotional distress among the elderly does not occur overnight, and emotional changes are not invisible. When family members or caregivers notice the following behavioral signs in an elder, they must pay extra attention and deal with them as soon as possible.

1. Lack of interest in most things and loss of motivation to participate

2. Easily tired and difficult to concentrate

3. Restless

4. Significant increase or decrease in weight or appetite

5. Insomnia or drowsiness

6. Feeling that life is worthless

7. Persistent low mood (such as feeling sad, empty, helpless)

8. Have thoughts of death or suicide

Related reading: The disadvantages of insomnia increase the risk of chronic diseases. Understand the 4 stages of the sleep cycle and 5 tips to improve sleep quality.

Family members or caregivers take the initiative to care and understand needs

Anyone may face emotional distress, but many elderly people’s physical condition, traditional culture and thoughts, and personal personality affect their expression and willingness to seek help. Therefore, as caregivers, family members, and even the general public, we can take the initiative to care, understand their difficulties and needs, and provide assistance to avoid unfortunate events due to emotional problems of the elderly.

Re-engage in social activities – Elderly people can help improve their mood by rebuilding their social support network and cultivating their interests. (imtmphoto@iStockphoto)

Improving mood: pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments

Medication and non-drug treatments can help the elderly manage and improve their emotional problems. If in doubt, seek medical advice.

‧Drug treatment, including anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, benzodiazepine

‧Non-pharmacological methods, including rebuilding interpersonal social support networks, maintaining a regular daily routine, cultivating interests and encouraging participation in leisure activities, doing more physical and mental stretching exercises, managing the disease, and changing personal thinking patterns

Related reading:[Emotional Disease]Why do you suffer from anxiety and depression? Do you want to solve problems too much? Remind yourself not to forget to take care of your emotions (Medical Xian’s Thoughts)

Pay attention to diet, healthy work and rest patterns, and rebuild social networks

Encouragement and support from family members and caregivers, as well as tolerance and acceptance from the general public, are very important to help the elderly improve their emotional distress. Through talking, listening, sharing, companionship, etc., we can make the elderly feel cared for, respected and supported, rebuild interpersonal social relationships, reduce the sense of alienation and helplessness, and also try to find out the reasons for the emotional distress of the elderly. Follow up early.

In addition, a healthy and regular lifestyle, including getting up on time, eating, participating in activities or rehabilitation training, etc., can help eliminate negative emotions, make daily life more fulfilling, and reduce depression due to emptiness or boredom in life. have a bee in one’s bonnet. At the same time, the elderly are encouraged to develop personal interests, such as music, calligraphy, planting, etc., and are invited to participate in various social and recreational activities that are beneficial to the body and mind, such as chess, singing, dancing, memory training, etc., so as to increase communication and interaction with others. Build more mutual support networks.

Cultivate interest and exercise more to increase serotonin and increase happiness and happiness

In addition, the elderly can be encouraged to do more appropriate exercises according to their physical condition, such as walking, relaxation exercises, stretching exercises, etc., which can help strengthen muscles and improve metabolism. During exercise, the brain produces the nerve substance serotonin. ), can increase happiness and happiness.

Finally, encouraging the elderly to follow the instructions of medical staff and take regular medication and check-ups to stabilize their condition can reduce the anxiety and anxiety caused by worrying about the worsening of their condition. At the same time, teaching the elderly to learn to think from multiple perspectives and adopt a positive and positive attitude to adapt to various challenges in life will help reduce the possibility of thinking too hard or feeling self-pity.

Text: Deng Zhigang (Vice Director of Mrs. Guo Yuzhang Nursing and Attention Home of Yanji Hospital and Registered Social Worker)

Editor: Zhu Jianxun

Art: Xie Weihao

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2023-11-03 05:02:57

#Pay #attention #behavioral #signs #emotional #distress #time #reduced #symptoms #risk #depression #anxiety #Ming #Pao #Health #Network

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