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Helpers from Frankfurt support flood areas: “Mission is to rescue people”

Before leaving for the flood areas, the helpers from the disaster control units gathered in Frankfurt.

© Frankfurt fire brigade

After the devastating floods in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, more and more helpers are moving out to the flood areas, including from Frankfurt.

Frankfurt – Flooded streets, fallen trees, torn down houses – the images of the flood disaster in western Germany leave no one indifferent. Now the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has asked Hessen for help. Also Frankfurt am Main* is currently participating in the large-scale operation in the flood areas.

The Frankfurt fire brigade received the corresponding marching orders on Thursday (July 15, 2021). With units from the Main-Taunus district, the Hochtaunus district and the Wetterau district, they set off from Frankfurt on the same day for the flood areas, as Anne Walkembach from the Frankfurt fire brigade reports.

“Mission is to save people”: helpers from Frankfurt support flood areas

The forces are currently deployed by the overall operational management on site in the Rhein-Erft district, southeast of Cologne. The current goal in Erftstadt is buildings in danger of collapsing and unsecured gas pipes. “The primary mission is to save people,” emphasizes Anne Walkembach.

Around 150 full-time and voluntary disaster control workers first drove to Düsseldorf on Thursday and set up their accommodation there on camp beds they had brought with them. A water rescue train from DLRG Frankfurt has also been in action in the crisis area since the early hours of the morning on Friday (July 16, 2021).

Flood areas: Helpers from Frankfurt are expected to be on duty for a week

According to the Ministry of the Interior, a total of around 600 Hessian disaster relief workers, divided into four associations, are to help in the flood areas.

“Our share in the association that we lead and which is expected to be in North Rhine-Westphalia for a maximum of one week is a so-called disaster control fire engine, consisting of four vehicles with a crew, a swap-loader vehicle with roll-off container, fire water supply and a logistics equipment vehicle for high water. The crews, around 30 people in total, consist of professional and volunteer firefighters, ”explains Anne Walkembach.

Frankfurt fire brigade moves into flood areas: Mayor Feldmann is dismayed

Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann and the City Councilor Markus Frank, who is responsible for the fire brigade, thank the fire brigade and the DLRG for their quick readiness: “In this situation, solidarity is the order of the day. The people in the affected areas now need help quickly. Frankfurt am Main is at your side. ”

Both were dismayed by the extent of the disaster to date. Mayor Feldmann says: “Behind every single picture that we see in the news or in the newspaper, there are fates. People have lost their lives or are faced with the ruins of their existence. Those affected should know: They can count on us in this hour of need. “City Councilor Frank emphasizes:” In such dire disasters, all emergency services stand together and tackle, regardless of whether they are full-time or volunteer workers from the fire brigades or the committed rescue workers from our DLRG “.

Hessen announces further support for flood areas

Since help is still urgently needed in the flood areas, Hesse’s Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) has announced further support. The country is ready for help at any time, he said, according to the State Chancellery in Wiesbaden on Friday, as announced by the German press agency. “In this particular situation, the task now is to save human lives and alleviate hardship as quickly as possible. We can only face this catastrophe together, ”he said.

Helpers from the Technical Relief Organization (THW) from Hessen are already on duty in the regions affected by the disaster. On Friday, emergency services from the German Life Saving Society (DLRG) also set out. The Ministry of the Interior put the number of disaster relief workers in Hesse at around 750. (Carolin Eberth) * fnp.de is an offer from IPPEN MEDIA

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