Giovanny, a 16-year-old Latino boy from Charlotte, faces an enormous challenge after get shot in the spinal cordFor this reason, the family is asking for help, seeking to help make life easier.
This tragic incident has left Giovanny with the possibility of never walking againprofoundly disrupting his life and that of his family, which is why he is currently bedridden in a hospital.
Help is needed for a young Latino from Charlotte
Giovanny’s family is doing everything they can to support him and help him overcome this ordeal. However, they need the help of the community to cope. the costs and adaptations that this new stage in their lives entailsNecessary home modifications and specialized items to facilitate mobility are essential to improving Giovanny’s quality of life.
For this reason, it was launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to enable the family to acquire the resources to make the necessary changes, as well as to pay for doctors and rehabilitation.
Giovanny really wants to live, but he will need help to be able to live more comfortably with this problem.
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Degree in Communication and Journalism from UNAM, with 16 years in the media. Lover of wrestling, video games and geek culture. More from Apolo Valdés