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Help Needed to Find Stolen Dog – A Story of Solidarity and Determination

Hayden, itinerant shepherd, works for a flock owner in Gironde. His dog, Omora, was stolen while on a train stopover in Paris. Since September 5, a chain of solidarity has been mobilizing to try to recover the animal, located several times in the capital.

His interview carried out in the streets of Paris by the media Brut triggered a wave of emotion and a chain of solidarity.

Hayden, itinerant shepherd, works for a flock owner in the Libourne sector in Gironde. But during a trip to Paris and a stopover at Gare de Lyon on September 5, his dog was apparently stolen. He had left it for a few minutes outside a business before taking his train.

During his stopover at Gare de Lyon in Paris, Hayden had to leave his dog outside a food store on rue Legraverend to buy food and drink. Coming out a few minutes later, Omora had disappeared.

According to its owner, Omora escaped his thief. • © Poster for the search for Omora

This border collie dog, a four-year-old microchipped male, only responds to his owner’s voice. Hayden suspects that his dog has been stolen. A complaint was filed and lengthy research began in the 12th arrondissement. Posters are posted in the streets with Omora’s photo, and a group created on Facebook to help Hayden find her pet.

Thanks to video surveillance images from the city studied by the authorities, we know that he managed to escape from his captor. Located several times since his disappearance, Omora is still found in the Gare de Lyon area. He was identified on September 13 in the neighboring 20th arrondissement.

Research is now concentrated in the 12th arrondissement. Maraudes have also been organized for several evenings in the area around Lyon station to try to locate the animal, probably in a state of stress, explains its owner.

Omora was trained to lead herds, he is a country dog, Hayden confides to journalist Florian Thomas de Brut. The animal is therefore not used to moving around town, hence the concern its wandering causes. “He’s more than a dog, he’s a friend. He has quite a human side. I have a very close relationship with him (…) he succeeds in calming me down”explains the itinerant shepherd.
Hayden, tired after several days of searching, will stay in Paris until he finds his dog, “I can’t leave here without Omora“, he confides.

If you have information, you can send it via the public Facebook group “Retrouvons Omora” or via the association Animal Protection Brigades

2023-09-16 18:36:43
#Shepherd #Gironde #dog #stolen #Paris #vast #mobilization #find #Omora

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