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Help.. Kresna Life Customer Shouts, Policy Payment Loss!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Customers of PT Asuransi Jiwa Kresna or Kresna Life are starting to get restless, because the policy payments are due to falter. The delay in payment began to occur in March 2022.

“What makes customers nervous now is that Kresna’s installment payments for March are starting to falter. In previous months, payments have been made starting from the 2nd and 3rd week of every month. But now there are still many who have not received it, and Kresna’s Customer Service department reported that there was indeed a delay,” said one Kresna Life customer, who did not want to be named, to CNBC Indonesia.

This case was revealed to the surface in May 2020, when Kresna Life refused to pay its customer’s policy due. After several meetings between Kresna Life management and customers facilitated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Kresna Life began to pay for customer policies that were due up to a value of Rp 50 million.

Kresna also offered to pay and asked to make an agreement which was not accepted by the customer because the insurance policy was no longer valid.

Then the customer through his legal representative made a PKPU which was granted by the Central Jkt District Court and ratified with homologation results on February 11, 2021. However, then there was a customer who filed an appeal to the Supreme Court (MA) and the MA decision was issued on June 8, 2021 which canceled the PKPU and returned it authority to the OJK.

Kresna Life has actually started paying installments to customers since March 2021 in accordance with the results of the PKPU homologation. Likewise, after the Supreme Court’s decision to cancel PKPU, Kresna until now continues to pay customers according to the results of homologation and was confirmed by Kresna through a letter to customers2 No.121/KL-DIR/IX/2021 dated September 9, 2021.

However, OJK issued the Second and Final Warning Sanctions to Kresna with letter no.S252/NB.211/2021 dated March 4, 2021, where if it is not fulfilled by April 30, 2022, the next action is the revocation of the business license.

If the revocation of the permit is carried out, the customer will be worried about the continuation of the policy payment. “Because if the business license is revoked, how can Krishna pay customers?” said the Krishna customer.

Kresna’s customers hope that there will be efforts from OJK to protect customers. “It’s not just imposing sanctions, because consumer protection is far more important than giving sanctions,” he added.

Customers really hope that OJK will not revoke Kresna Insurance’s business license because this will most likely be used as an excuse by Kresna Insurance not to pay customers. On the other hand, it also asks OJK to oversee/ensure that Kresna Life Insurance payments to customers are carried out as well as possible.

CNBC Indonesia is trying to confirm to the board of directors of Kresna Life, but has not yet received a response.

Meanwhile, attorney for Kresna Life’s customers, Benny Wulur, explained that Kresna Life is still paying for customer policies, but it’s still a bit sluggish.

“So I then asked the management, it turns out they said they had been trying to pay but the OJK PKU was threatened, there was news, it was suspected that the OJK would immediately revoke its business license. OJK, consumers will be harmed,” said Benny.

The payments so far have been in accordance with the homologation, yesterday as far as I know, the policy installments have been made. The total payment for the policy holders is Rp 1.37 trillion. Payment to 48% of policyholders. Data until February 29, 2022, has been paid Rp1.37 T including 48% of policyholders. This is done gradually.

Benny said that there were thousands of policyholders and the total amount to be paid was Rp 6.4 trillion.

“If the permit is revoked, imagine that this is only one-sixth of the payment. This makes it difficult for us. It’s a pity that the rest has not been paid. Now if Kresna Life is closed, Kresna Life’s convenience is,” said Benny.

Benny wants the rights of customers to be fulfilled, lest there be a policy from OJK to temporarily close Kresna Life because there are still obligations to be paid.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(hps / hps)

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