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Help boy Snapchat? (friends, youth)

Maybe someone can give me their opinion on this. (I am female, 17)

Almost 3 weeks ago, a boy I’ve had on Snapchat for a while sent me snaps and we started to bond. He sends snaps of himself quite often, so I sent him something from me more often. As I interpreted it, he usually responded with a snap. So a normal picture of him, if you understand.

Then, after about a week and a half, when I was on vacation on the third day, he suddenly wrote to me that I should come to him the next day. Since it was already late and because of the time difference, I didn’t see it until the morning. To be honest, I was pretty confused by this message and had to think about how to respond. I wrote that I was on vacation and why I should go to him. After all, I don’t really know him and can’t just meet up with any guy.

Later, he replied, “Why not?” I told him that I didn’t really know him, and he replied, “Hmm, send a picture.” I then sent him a picture of myself that I had taken the day before as a snap and wrote, “And you?” He then sent me a picture too. After that, it was over.

Well, for a few days now (I’m still on vacation), he hasn’t opened my snaps. I opened his snaps late, but still. I’m not the kind of person who doesn’t open them. To be honest, I find something interesting about him and would like to, how should I say, meet a boy for the experience. By the way, he lives in the next biggest city from me.

Should I send him a snap tomorrow when I’m at the airport and maybe text him at some point after that to see if he wants to meet up since I’m flying back today? I don’t know if he looks at the snaps before he replies, let alone if he even texts back. I also have the feeling that he snaps with a lot of people because his snap score is going up really quickly. I’ve never done anything like that before. We’re still best friends on Snapchat; I think he’s second in my opinion, even though we haven’t texted much, he just sends a lot of snaps.

What do you say? Should I ask him?

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