As one of the largest data sharing servers in the Czech Republic, Hellspy has been a thorn in the side of copyright defenders for a long time. On this portal, as on a number of other Internet storage sites, people shared movies, music, games and illegal copies of various programs.
For example, Weemazz, which searches for and removes movies and music from Internet repositories, said last year that requests to remove copies of thousands of copyrighted works are sent to operators every day.
Although Hellspy promptly deleted the reported copies, illegal content still appeared on this server in abundance. The agreement from last September, when the company I&Q Group – the operator of Internet storage Hellshare and Hellspy – agreed with representatives of commercial television to deploy filters that will automatically search for and delete illegal content.
This is how Hellspy informs the user about the termination of the service
A whip for movie pirates? TV has agreed with Hellshare and Hellspy repositories
Internet a PC
User responsibility
But the turning point was the arrival of the new year, when the already mentioned amendment to the Czech copyright law came into effect following the European amendment. According to her, the operator essentially assumes responsibility for its users – it is responsible for what data users upload to the server.
Hellspy responded to this after the new year by decommissioning search. No matter what term you entered in the search box on its website, the only message that appeared was that the requested file could not be found.
Taking into account that this year it was only possible to download data on the service as part of a subscription for a fee or for credits that users obtained by uploading data, the company lost a substantial part of its finances with the new year. That is why she has obviously decided to limit her activities from the coming month.
He will return the money
“Due to the legislative situation in the Czech Republic and as part of the maximum transparency of the Hellspy service to its users, we want to inform you about the termination of the Hellspy service as of April 1, 2023,” wrote the operators of the service to their users.
People who have a prepaid service for a longer period will not lose their money. “At the same time, we want to inform you about your right to a prorated refund of the amount of your purchased unlimited downloads,” reads the sent email. People can request a refund directly on the website. failed in court. Users will no longer download Pelíšky and other Czech films
Internet a PC