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Hello Doctors, Symptoms and Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus in Children

TRIBUNLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDARLAMPUNG – Diabetes mellitus is not only experienced by adults but also children.

dr Ismi Citra Ismail, Sp.A (K) from RSUD Dr H Abdul Moeloek said diabetes mellitus or what people often call diabetes is a disease caused by disorders or damage to the pancreas, which is triggered by many factors.

But the most common is autoimmune.

This damage to the pancreas results in not having insulin to convert glucose into energy.

Diabetes mellitus without insulin is diabetes mellitus type 1, which is diabetes mellitus most often experienced by children aged starting from the age of six months.

Whereas for diabetes mellitus type 2, still has insulin but in poor condition, which is similar to diabetes mellitus in adults.

Generally those who experience diabetes mellitus type 2 are obese children.

Besides that, there are also diabetes mellitus type 3.

But diabetes mellitus Type 3 is rare.

What are the symptoms like? diabetes mellitus on a child?

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