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Helldivers 2 on PC. The creators change the rules, the players are outraged

Helldivers 2 is a few months old and is already the undisputed hit of 2024. This gaming dream of Managed Democracy apparently turned out to be too beautiful. The game’s creators announce a change that will affect PC players. And they, in turn, “repay” the favor in reviews.

The best games of 2024 are materializing before our eyes. Who would have thought that an inconspicuous work would be at the forefront. Helldivers 2 by Arrowhead Game Studios has been collecting so far phenomenal ratings and boasts a dynamically developing community. But now something has gone wrong.

Helldivers 2 na PC: konto Steam i PlayStation Network

Developers announced that PC players will be forced to create a PlayStation account to continue fighting for democracy. The official announcement on the Steam platform included two specific dates:

  • From May 6, all new Helldivers 2 players on Steam will need to link their Steam account to their PlayStation Network account
  • However, current players will start receiving appropriate notifications from May 30, and accounts must be synchronized by June 4.

“We understand that while this may be an inconvenience to some of you, this step will help us continue to build a community that you will all be proud to be a part of.” – developers from Arrowhead acknowledge the whole thing.

Does the pressure make sense?

Although the PlayStation Network account is free and easy to synchronize, many players did not like this change. This is clearly visible in the recent ratings on the Steam platform, which can be treated as a form of protest.

Will the creators bow under the weight of criticism? Time will tell. The fact is that a potential outflow of players would mean a death sentence for Helldivers 2, after all, we are dealing with a game service, and these need fuel – the fuel is the players.

Source: Steam

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