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Hell is happening with coronavirus in Russian resorts: stories of the infected

Buffet, crowded pools and no sanitizers

Meanwhile, among the sick is the family of biathlete Anton Shipulin. At the bronze medalist of the Olympic Games on vacation in Sochi, the whole family fell ill – his wife, children, mother-in-law and Shipulin himself. All confirmed COVID-19. “In Sochi, there is nowhere for an apple to fall. There is no need to talk about any social distance … In general, it is better to be at home,” the athlete wrote sadly.

“Seeing the crowds, I realized that the infection cannot be avoided”

Elena (name has been changed) is from Sterlitamak. I rested with my husband and two children in the village of Vityazevo, which is 16 km from Anapa.

– We booked trips in November, when no one had heard of the coronavirus yet. We chose a prestigious, expensive hotel with its own territory. Air tickets were purchased at a non-refundable rate. Our child is allergic, so the doctors recommend that we take our son to the sea. In April they called the hotel and asked about the epidemiological situation. We were convinced that the situation in the region is calm, officially everyone is working, there are no patients, – Elena began.

The family flew to Anapa on July 16.

– When we saw crowds of people at the hotel who did not keep their distance, did not wear masks and coughed together, I realized that it would be impossible to avoid infection, – continues the interlocutor. – But naively, we thought that we had been ill in December, so we did not feel much fear. However, we have always worked with our hands. But it turned out to be impossible to wear a mask in 35-degree heat.

The hotel where Elena lived with her family is three huge buildings. According to the woman, about a thousand people live in the territory.

– All guests eat in the same dining room. The dishes are reusable. I doubt it gets washed thoroughly with so many visitors. We had a buffet, everyone grabbed one spoon, a spatula to put the dish, – adds Elena. – On the territory there is a huge swimming pool, where all the guests swam. Our beach is private, but it belonged to four hotels, so the sea is packed with people. The sun beds were close to each other. There were no sanitizers on the beach itself.

Children and adults animation was carried out on the territory of the hotel, no one kept the distance, no masks were worn. I thought the hotel staff would daily wipe the handrails and disinfect the premises, but during the 9 days of our stay I did not notice anything like that. By the way, disinfectants were only in front of the entrance to the dining room and at the reception. No sanitizers were installed in the children’s room, at the entrance to the hotel, or on the beach.

photo: Still from video

Beach in the Imereti Valley in Sochi

– If one of the visitors coughed, the hotel staff did not ask the person to see a doctor, maybe they measured the temperature?

– No one was measured. They did not react to coughing people. It seems that in the Krasnodar Territory no one cares about anything. When we checked in, I saw that an ambulance was arriving at the hotel. I asked the staff what happened. Everyone shrugged their shoulders: “We have no idea.”

On the fourth day of rest, July 20, her son Elena developed a cough and fever.

– Since the child’s temperature did not rise above 37.5, they did not call an ambulance. We turned to the local pediatrician, went to see him three times. I noticed that in the clinic, all the medical staff – doctors, nurses, receptionists – worked without masks and gloves. In the clinic, I got into conversation with other parents, who went to the doctors with similar symptoms. People complained that in many hotels the situation is the same – everyone coughs.

The doctor appointed us a consultation with an ENT, my son had an X-ray of his lungs. Pneumonia was not found in the picture. The child was diagnosed with ARVI. They wrote out treatment, advised on returning to Bashkiria, to contact the pediatrician on duty.

– Have you been offered a test for coronavirus?

– They did not offer.

On July 21, the head of the family fell ill with a fever. On July 23, Elena herself became ill, on July 24, the eldest daughter’s temperature rose.

– Probably, I would have decided that we all caught the usual ARVI, if not for the strange symptoms. My daughter and I stopped smelling, and my ear still ached. My son and husband were suffocated by a strong cough. On July 24 we were supposed to fly home. Drank antipyretic and drove to the airport.

– Did they measure your temperature at the airport?

– The temperature was not measured either at the airport or on the plane. If we flew back home by plane, then we went to Anapa by train. Two big differences. In the carriages, the handrails were repeatedly wiped with a special solution, and the head of the train checked the temperature of the passengers in the morning and in the evening.

On July 24, Elena and her family returned to Sterlitamak.

– I called the ambulance, explained the situation. They answered me: “If the temperature is not higher than 38, then we will not come, call the local doctors from the polyclinic.” I called the children’s clinic. They explained to me that they could not go to us, because the paramedic ran out of protective suits. They advised me to give the children vitamin C to drink. I began to treat my son and daughter with the drugs prescribed by the doctor from Vityazevo.

– Did you call a doctor for yourself?

– A paramedic from an adult clinic came to me and my husband, without a protective suit, in a thin mask and gloves. She listened to us and prescribed treatment. I asked – can they do tests for us, take us to CT?

She said that perhaps in three days they will come to us and take an analysis for coronavirus. She explained that they receive 300 applications a day with a request to take a test, they do not have time to bypass everyone. Now I am constantly in touch with those tourists who were vacationing with us. Many of those who returned home have already confirmed the coronavirus.

“Not a rest, but a prison”

Ekaterina (name has been changed) from Ukhta, rested in the same hotel as Elena. The family fell ill at the resort. At home, her husband has confirmed the coronavirus.

– I can’t say exactly where we got infected – in a hotel, on the beach or in a cafe. The first signs of the disease appeared in the child – the temperature rose to 38, he coughed for several nights. After two days, everything went away. I calmed down, decided that it blew.

A couple of days later, my temperature jumped to 38 degrees. She lasted a day. When we returned home to Ukhta, my husband fell ill. And my sense of smell suddenly disappeared. We went to get tested for COVID-19. The spouse tested positive, – says Ekaterina.

– Why didn’t you start doing tests in Anapa?

– Nobody does it there. After all, if the test turns out to be positive, then you will be quarantined, and you will not get home soon. Therefore, tourists do not do tests at the resort. They prefer to reach home.

– Did you measure your temperature at the hotel?

– No one measured the temperature in hotels, at the airport, or on the plane. I heard how the hotel staff at the reception were discussing among themselves that they had to go out to work with the temperature, they could not go on sick leave, there was no one to replace them. In theory, they should be constantly tested, but, most likely, these rules are not followed. After all, if a coronavirus is detected in a hotel, the hotels will turn into observators, and the business will incur huge losses.

One of my acquaintances also fell ill in Anapa, she went to the doctor. She was immediately given ARVI without any tests.

Tourists from the Krasnodar Territory have created a page on the social network, where they share their impressions of the rest. Here are some messages.

“My sister was on vacation in Sochi. In their guest house they put a woman with a “crown”. Other vacationers are now not sweet: everyone’s temperature is being measured, the pool and gazebos are closed, without masks they are not allowed to walk around the territory. Not a rest, but a prison. “

“There is a virus in the region, but everyone is silent.”

“Yesterday doctors came to our hotel with full parade. After that, a commission came with a check, all the staff put on masks. Somehow I felt uncomfortable. “

“We have received information from tourists that the virus is walking around the hotel, people are leaving ahead of time.”

“In the dining room at the hotel, you have to queue up for the instruments, and then another whole quest – to find a free table. The people are full. At 5 o’clock in the morning you have to get up to take a seat under an umbrella on a sun lounger. “

“We called the hotel to find out the situation. We were told there is no virus, but tourists say the opposite. “

Read the material “Video of crowded beach in Sochi sparks outrage among local residents

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