01.03.2024 – 11:15
R+V Insurance AG
Wiesbaden (ots)
At the Helene Lange School (“HeLa”) in Wiesbaden, students run the “Tauben-Treff” school kiosk. For this purpose, they founded a cooperative company.
In the schoolyard, 11:30 a.m., your stomach is growling. “Are there still pretzels?” The fact that hungry children can answer this question with “yes” is thanks to students who are involved in the school’s “Tauben-Treff” kiosk at the Helene Lange School. They even take turns giving up their break to sell. In order to further professionalize their business, 15 young people in grades 9 and 10 promoted the founding of the student cooperative “HELA-NATURE” as part of the elective course “Economy”. The official founding event took place on February 29, 2024.
“We offer pastries, snacks and drinks,” says student Fariba Hosseini. Purchasing and sales for the kiosk are going well. “We want to further professionalize ourselves through the corporate form of a student cooperative.” The young people are not lacking in ideas for other business areas: “For example, in the future we are planning to sell a starter pack with sustainable school materials for the new fifth graders through the kiosk, tailored to lessons,” explains classmate Annika Eberhardt. The Helene Lange School has been supporting a Nepal project for 30 years. In the future, the sale of Nepalese products such as handmade paper or handicraft objects will also be possible
Nepal bazaar can be organized by the student cooperative. The students are also thinking about selling school merchandise products or sustainably grown Christmas trees in December. And student Hannah Vierneisel explains another advantage of the student cooperative: “So far, only members of the elective subjects ‘Economy’ and ‘Fixed Projects’ could get involved in the school kiosk. We can now also offer a working group through the student cooperative. This means that all interested students can, no matter how old, take part in the pigeon meeting.” School spokeswoman Paula Petr adds: “A student cooperative simply fits us and the values of our school.”
R+V supports the student cooperative
The starting signal was given with the founding event on February 29, 2024 and the student cooperative “HELA-NATURE” was officially founded. They were supported in advance by the Cooperative Association – Association of the Regions and R+V Versicherung. Experts from both organizations advised the students in a workshop on how they can successfully start and build their cooperative business. For the cooperative’s starting capital, the young people sold their first cooperative shares for five euros each at the founding event. In addition, the non-profit R+V STIFTUNG is supporting the project with almost 5,000 euros in the first year.
Congratulations and greetings from Wiesbaden’s mayor Gert-Uwe Mende
Wiesbaden’s mayor Gert-Uwe Mende didn’t miss the opportunity to send a greeting message to the students on the occasion of the founding event: “Founding such a student cooperative is a very special project that I have encountered for the first time in my time in office,” explains Mende . “I have always experienced HeLa as a creative and socio-politically interested school. That’s why I think it’s good that the young students want to continue working in this tradition. I wish them a lot of success.” The mayor has had close ties to the Helene Lange School for years; his two children attended the integrated comprehensive school.
“It was nice to see how enthusiastic the students were about the idea of the student cooperative and how happy they were in driving forward the establishment,” says Mike Zergiebel, who is supervising the project as a teacher.
André Dörfler, R+V innovation manager, who accompanies the students, says: “Student cooperatives show how modern and cool the cooperative DNA is. That’s why R+V, as a cooperative company, is happy to provide support as a partner and advisor.”
Daniela Watzke, responsible for start-up questions at the cooperative association – Association of the Regions eV and contact person for student cooperatives in Hesse, adds: “Student cooperatives are a unique combination of democracy, entrepreneurship and sustainability. Students from different grades learn to work in a team and make decisions and to take responsibility together. At the same time, they can gain practical experience in accounting, marketing or human resources work and thus acquire basic skills for their future professional life. Under the umbrella of the school, this project offers the opportunity for career-oriented education and personal development for everyone involved.”
The student cooperatives “Green Leibniz” from Wiesbaden and “Adornos Vision” from Frankfurt have also already received support from R+V Versicherung, the cooperative association – Association of the Regions and the R+V STIFTUNG.
Press contact:
Lara Matuschek
Group communication
Raiffeisenplatz 1
65189 Wiesbaden
Tel.: 0611 533-74409
E-Mail: [email protected]
Original content from: R+V Versicherung AG, transmitted by news aktuell
2024-03-01 22:18:39
#Student #cooperative #HELANATURE #founded #Press #portal