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Helena Vondráčková’s Positive Relationship with Aesthetic Modifications: Q&A, Recovery from Injury, and More

Martina Nováčková 2/10/2023 6:14 clock 1 minute video

The singer Helena Vondráčková does not hide the fact that she has a positive relationship with aesthetic modifications. She takes it as a great tool in a woman’s life when she doesn’t like something about her body or face. But too much is too much.

How do you relate to aesthetic adjustments?

I think it’s a huge achievement and progression for women who want to look nice all the time. Why should they worry about wrinkles or things that bother them when there are amazing professionals, experts and world-class capacities here?

Now the fashion trend is lip fillers or silicone in the buttocks… What do you think about these things?

I’m not a big fan of that, but to each their own luck.

You recently had a serious injury, you broke a rib when you fell down the stairs. How are you feeling right now?

There was a guardian angel over me and maybe even God himself. It could have been a lot worse. I could have been damaged in the face, legs, arms, but luckily I only have a broken rib, which is a bit painful, but bearable. I have a voice, I have legs, I have hands, so all good. I can keep singing.

Doesn’t it hurt when you breathe in while singing?

No, I don’t have trouble breathing. That rib is probably the last one going into the shoulder, so I don’t have any pain. Thanks God.

How long will the recovery be?

He claims the moon. We’ll see.

Author: Lucie Šaléová

Source: vlasta.cz

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