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Helena Englert experienced a horror in the club. She had a rape pill in her drink

Helena Englert she is an extremely talented daughter Jana Englerta i Beata Ścibakówna. Young actress followed in her parents’ footsteps and is currently studying at the Theater Academy in Warsaw, but also plays in various productions. She recently made her big screen debut in “Pokus”. Due to the events of the past, she easily played the role.

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Helena Englert was given a date rape drug

Helena Englert in “Pokus” she played Iza, who dreams of a career as a journalist. Her life is full of emotions. Her boss treats her like an errand girl, and the soccer player she wrote her first article about turns out to be disturbingly mysterious. As if that wasn’t enough, someone slipped a date rape drug into her drink. It turns out that Jan Englert’s daughter experienced such a situation the hard way in the past. Then she could count on the support of her relatives.

This happened to Helena. In fact, someone put something in her drink. Fortunately, nothing happened to her, her friends saved her and took care of her. She knew very well how to play it, because she really experienced it, Maria Sadowska, the director of the film, told “Super Express”.

The director of “Pokusa” also admitted that she had never witnessed such situations herself, but she was aware that they happen often. She wishes women didn’t they had to to worry during parties.

Jan Englert’s daughter avoids the spotlight

Helena Englert rarely attends industry events, even if they concern the productions in which she plays. In one of the last interviews with the weekly “Wprost” she confessed that the world of elegantly dressed people is not for her. I don’t feel comfortable around celebritieswith whom it is difficult to find a common language. He prefers to spend time with friends.

Helena Englert, Jan EnglertThe changed Helena Englert came to the premiere accompanied by her dad. On the legs of boots

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