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Heino wants to continue performing despite Corona virus music

Hundreds of thousands of people have already been infected with the Corona virus. But hit star Heino doesn’t even think about canceling his concerts …

Worldwide, the number of infections caused by the corona virus continues to increase every day. Some stars have also been caught, among others Tom Hanks. Also Heidi Klum fears that she is suffering from severe lung disease.

But not everyone takes the virus seriously. This also includes the German singer Heino, who belongs to the risk group at the age of 81. In an interview with RTL, the hit star says: “Basically, you should be a little careful, you have to be careful. But I’ve been doing this for 60 years”.

Heino wants to continue singing

Heino also says that he wants to continue giving concerts: “I will continue to sing and hope that this will go well.” He is responsible for his 20 to 25 people who earn their money with it.

It is questionable whether Heino actually has to cancel a single appearance. In Germany, too, numerous events are canceled every day.

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