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Heilbronn: Drama because of Corona – video from SLK clinic “at the limit”

At the SLK Clinic in Heilbronn, the employees are working “at the limit” due to the coronavirus. They tell dramatic details in a moving video. But not only that.

Mask off, mask on. It is probably not for nothing that it is the clearest gesture in a moving one Video of the SLK clinic in Heilbronn. Several employees describe how dramatic it is Situation im hospital because of the Coronavirus is. As honest and direct as the staff, the content is for the most part painful. From individual cases to the big picture – the staff shows a relentless insight into the stressful everyday clinical routine. But there are always warm words.

Heilbronn: Moving video from the clinic – dramatic situation due to Corona

“We shot a video that should give an impression of the situation here on site Covid stations“, Explains the clinic pastor Siegfried Fischer at the beginning of the video published on Youtube has been. Fischer is responsible for that Video, by doing doctors and Pfleger have their say and work in the SLK clinic in Heilbronn illuminate since last year. The pastor makes it clear how close joy and sorrow are with patients Corona can lie together. “Some are doing well, some can barely contact me,” says Fischer.

“It’s like a second life” a woman “after three weeks Corona“When she said that SLK-Klinikum am Gesundbrunnen in Heilbronn was allowed to leave recovered. Healed ones are allowed again and again Crown-Patien back home. Some infected people leave this hospital but no longer alive. This sad truth becomes im Video particularly tangible.

Heilbronn: Moving video from the SLK clinic – “Patients suffer and suffer and die”

A married couple, describes Siegfried Fischer, died in quick succession in connection with the coronavirus in the SLK clinic in Heilbronn. First the woman, then her husband. “When the doctor wanted to call the son to tell him that his father had also died, he said: ‘I’m on my way to the mother’s funeral,” explains Fischer. It is a harrowing example that shows the burden doctors, Pfleger, but also relatives have had to live for months.

The patients here suffer and suffer and a couple die every day.

Hong Thoung Brinkmann, nurse and division manager at the SLK clinic

“There are so many who are struggling for their lives,” explains Fischer. There are four stations in the SLK clinic in Heilbronn Corona patients treated. The on-site staff – that’s im Video to see clearly – the many fates are close. “The patients here suffer and suffer and a few die every day,” explains nurse Hong Thoung Brinkmann in the YouTube video. “The current situation depresses and affects us because we cannot help our patients as well as we would like,” explains senior physician Dr. Günter Schiele.

Heilbronn: Doctors and nurses in the SLK clinic “at the limit” – moving video

It’s bad that you can’t be so close to the patient. Especially not psychologically. According to Prof. Dr. Marcus Hennersdorf, Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine I im SLK hospital, “Major structural problems”. Personnel would have to be distributed differently. The nursing effort is often higher. But cleaning staff are also, for example, by the way Corona measures taken affected. In addition, there is “always the worry of being able to infect oneself. That is stressful, emotionally exhausting, psychologically, but also physically. “

But not just the staff directly involved Crown-Patien comes in contact is of the dramatic Situation im SLK Clinic in Heilbronn affected. Hennersdorf: “The whole thing hospital is in a balancing act between the care of non-coronary patients, but also the care of seriously infectious patients. “

Emergencies stayed in the Corona-Pandemie not off, makes nurse Tanja Kübler clear. She cares for intensive care patients who are not attending Covid-19 are sick. For a year now, they have been working “at the limit” here too. The reason why she personally worries about going to shift or going home every day. “I hope I don’t forget anything, miss anything and Patient survive or not be harmed by me. “

Heilbronn: SLK clinic “at the limit” – moving video with appeal and optimism

That the Situation – certainly not just in that SLK clinic in Heilbronn – has been extreme for a year shows that Video clearly on Youtube. doctors and Pfleger therefore appeal to everyone to adhere to the applicable corona rules. Masks on, keep your distance – according to Hong Thoung Brinkmann, these measures are “a great help for all of us”.

They speak to everyone who is already helping to alleviate the occurrence of infections SLK employees a big “thank you”. And not only that. The will of those affected who Corona-Pandemie to continue fighting with all our might becomes clear. Have your optimism doctors and Pfleger apparently not lost. Because the final message from Schiele in the video is despite all the severe difficulties and the tireless and grueling work thanks to the Corona vaccinations and the currently falling number of infections is positive: “Far at the end of the tunnel, the light is getting brighter day by day.”

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