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Heijmans paid rent for refugees with government money Inland

Heijmans’ help in hiding the Syrian refugees led to a quarrel with then-minister Ronald Plasterk of the Interior, with whom he had to get involved.

The so-called COA funds were intended for activities around the azc in Weert, but Heijmans thought he had a mandate to distribute these funds. This led to escalating arguments with the aldermen this year and an independent investigation, which showed that Heijmans had skated skating, in particular by careless handling of COA funds. The measure was full when it turned out that Heijmans had given a subsidy to a foundation of which he himself was chairman, without informing the council or the college.


All this led to a vote of no confidence from the city council. Heijmans kept the honor to himself and submitted his resignation.

Heijmans also spent thousands of euros in cash on things that can no longer be traced. Their justification shows that they allegedly went to refugee affairs. However, these payments are not further specified.

Heijmans assumed that he had a mandate to dispose of the COA funds, but he did not. That was also the main reason why the councilors had had enough of him and demanded his departure.

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