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Heavy snow in the Russian Far East threatens the Amur tigers

Heavy snowfall Russia In the Far East, Amur tigers, which are already endangered animals, are under threat.

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Unusually deep snow makes it difficult for tigers and other wildlife, such as deer and wild boar, to find food, warns Sunday World Wide Fund for Nature (PDF).

“Snow hell” is becoming deadly dangerous, according to the international nature conservation organization.

Winter At the beginning of the season, the lower areas have a snow cover 50 to 80 centimeters deep, while in the mountains the thickness of the snow cover exceeds one meter. Many animals cannot break through the thick snow cover.

“Poachers have already taken advantage of the emergency and gone on an illegal hunt,” the PDF said Germany office spokesman Marcus Radada.

He also expressed concern that the number of conflict situations between animals and humans would increase as tigers and other wildlife could approach populated areas in search of food.

Locals have already noticed that tigers have become more active. Teams of experts are monitoring the situation in Khabarovsk Krai and the Jewish Autonomous Okrug, where the situation is most dangerous for tigers.

The PDF estimates that a tiger should eat about ten kilograms of meat a day.

Amur tigers are endangered animals that are specially protected. Their number in Russia is estimated at 540. They live mainly in the Amur region of the Russian Far East.

Poachers can be sentenced to up to four years in prison and severely fined for hunting the Amur tiger illegally.

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