Home » News » Heavy Rain Forecast: Southern Coast and Jirisan Area to Experience Up to 350 mm of Rain

Heavy Rain Forecast: Southern Coast and Jirisan Area to Experience Up to 350 mm of Rain


The monsoon rain, which had been slowing down, became thicker again.

In the southern coastal area, strong rain of around 40mm per hour continues.

More rain, up to 350 mm or more, is predicted for the southern coast and Jirisan area by tomorrow.

Connect with the Disaster Media Center to learn more about the forecast for monsoon rains.

Reporter Lee Se-heum, first of all, where is the heavy rain right now?


Yes, let’s look at the location and direction of the current rain cloud with radar images.

During the night, rain clouds that scattered heavy rain centered on the southern coast of Jeollanam-do gradually moved north.

Currently, red-colored rain clouds are located in the inland areas of Jeonbuk.

The area where it rains gradually widens, and rain clouds are passing through the southern part of the metropolitan area.

Let’s take a closer look at the southern coastal areas of Jeonbuk and Jeonnam, where the strongest rain is currently falling.

Purple rain clouds are passing through Boseong and Hwasun, Jeollanam-do.

In the last hour, 43mm of heavy rain fell in Boseong and 42mm in Hwasun.

This rain cloud that brought a lot of rain in Boseong and Hwasun is heading toward Suncheon, Gokseong, and Gurye, and this rain cloud in the west sea is expected to come to the west coast of Jeonbuk and sprinkle a lot of rain.

The reason why strong rain clouds are created in the southwest of the Korean Peninsula is due to low pressure approaching Korea from the eastern sea of ​​China.

Low pressure pushes water vapor to the south of Korea, and strong rain clouds are created as the water vapor gathers in the southwest of the Korean peninsula between the North Pacific high pressure and the North Pacific high pressure.


If so, how much more rain will fall in which area in the future?


Yes, if you look at the supercomputer precipitation forecast map, it seems that strong rain clouds will affect southern Gyeonggi until morning and southern Gangwon, Chungcheong, and Jeolla-do until night.

Heavy rain of 30 to 60 mm per hour is predicted in this area.

In particular, it is predicted that very strong rain of up to 80 mm per hour will pour in Jirisan Mountain and the southern coast, where water vapor from the south hits the high mountains of the land.

In the Yeongnam region, strong rain will continue until tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning, rain clouds will recede to the east, and this long, strong rain is expected to subside.

Until then, more rain of up to 350 mm will fall near Jirisan and the southern coast.

In addition, 100 to 250 mm of rain is expected in the southern and Chungcheong provinces.

This rain, today seems to be the turning point.

Please be extra careful not to cause further damage due to the accumulated rain.

So far, the Disaster Media Center has delivered.

Graphics: Mijung Kim

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2023-07-17 22:00:00
#heavy #rain #today.. #South #coast #tomorrow #350mm

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