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Heating will be 23% cheaper for Rigans than last year – Branches – Financenet

This year, for the fourth time, the Public Utilities Commission has approved lower heat tariffs for JSC “Rīgas siltums”. From October 1, the heat energy tariff for Rigans will be 39.77 EUR / MWh (excluding VAT) instead of the current 40.46 EUR / MWh (excluding VAT).

The heat energy tariff 39.77 EUR / MWh (excluding VAT) will be valid until 31 July 2021,

but from August 1, 2021, the tariff will be 40.94 EUR / MWh (excluding VAT), TVNET found out in the commission.

This year, from April to August, JSC “Rīgas siltums” earned unplanned revenues from changes in the price of fuel and heat. This has allowed the merchant to reduce the tariff for final consumers by another 1.7% or 0.69 EUR / MWh this year, compared to the current one. However, in general, the tariff for users will be 23% lower compared to last heating season.

SIA Rīgas siltums submitted such calculation and substantiation of tariffs for heat energy supply services to PUC on 25 August this year. PUC, evaluating the justification submitted by the merchant, concluded that the offered tariffs are justified and in accordance with the methodology.

You can get acquainted with heat energy tariffs in other cities of Latvia in the interactive map published on the PUC website.

The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is an institutionally and functionally independent, full-fledged, autonomous public law entity that regulates public utilities in the energy, electronic communications, postal, municipal waste management and water management sectors in accordance with the Law on Public Utilities Regulators and Regulated Sectors. regulatory enactments. PUC independently performs the functions assigned to it by law and, within the scope of its competence, independently makes decisions and issues administrative acts that are binding on specific public service providers and users.

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