A reduced VAT of seven percent applies to gas until the end of March 2024.
(Photo: IMAGO/Wolfgang Maria Weber)
Düsseldorf Anyone who heats with oil or gas will have to reckon with greater price increases in the future than in the past. The federal government has drawn up a new plan for CO2 prices in the coming years. They are part of the budget for the Climate and Transition Fund presented on August 9th. This makes it possible to calculate the costs that households will have to face by 2027.
The traffic light wants to raise the price of national fuel emissions trading in 2024 to 40 euros per tonne of CO2 emitted. In 2025, the CO2 price should then increase to 50 euros, and in 2026 to 65 euros. In 2027, national trading will be merged with European certificate trading, which already applies to energy, industry and aviation. For 2027, the government expects a CO2 price of 85 euros.
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2023-09-03 10:16:45
#CO2 #price #expensive #heating #gas #oil