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Heated discussions about nuclear power in Switzerland: Martina Bircher and Ruth Müri at the electricity podium

Panel discussion on energy policy with Nina Gisler (Vice President Die Junge Mitte), Priska Wismer-Felder (National Councilor Die Mitte), Martina Bircher (National Councilor SVP), Ruth Müri (Government and City Councilor, Greens), Cyril Brunner (climate scientist), Stefan Meierhans ( price monitor) and moderator Fabian Hägler (editor-in-chief AZ, from right).

Image: zvg

– last updated on September 30, 2024 5:28 p.m


The Mitte Frauen Schweiz invited people to a power panel on Saturday as part of their autumn conference. The two government council candidates Martina Bircher and Ruth Müri were also there. There was particular talk about the future of nuclear power plants in Switzerland.

On Saturday, the Swiss Women’s Center organized a panel on energy policy. Various topics such as sustainability, security of supply and the future of nuclear power in Switzerland were discussed. Aargau was represented by several politicians. In addition to the two government council candidates Martina Bircher (SVP) and Ruth Müri (Greens), National Councilor Ruth Humbel (Die Mitte) was also there.

The future of nuclear power was discussed most. Federal Councilor Albert Rösti announced at the end of August that the Federal Council would like to overturn the ban on new nuclear power plants. The construction of new nuclear power plants was banned in May 2017 with the adoption of the Energy Strategy 2050. For Ruth Müri it is clear: “We don’t want any new nuclear power plants, that was decided by the voters.” One should stick to the will of the people.

Martina Bircher replied that wind turbines could not supply enough households. “I am worried about the coming supply gaps,” said the National Councilor. The problem of security of supply is also an important topic for Nina Gisler, Vice President of Junge Mitte. That’s why she called for cities to take greater responsibility when it comes to the energy transition. After all, this is where the greatest electricity consumption occurs.

There was a lot of controversial discussion on the energy podium.
Image: zvg

In addition to the podium, workshops could also be attended on Saturday. Here there was even more space for discussions and exchange among each other. Christina Bachmann-Roth, President of Mitte Frauen Schweiz, was visibly satisfied with the panel and the workshops. “The energy transition is one of the most important issues of our time, and we are ready to take the necessary steps,” she concluded.(mek)

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