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Heat, pimples, shortness of breath : how to support the mask ?

To address the epidemic of Covid-19 in France, the wearing of masks is de rigueur. But many find it difficult to bear it : breathing difficulties, buttons, heat, allergy, asthma, redness on the face… The warm temperatures of the month of June will amplify the problems. Tower solutions with doctors, dermatologists and allergists.

If it is not mandatory in the public space in France, apart from public transport, the port of the mask is strongly recommended in confined areas, places of gatherings… to prevent the transmission of coronavirus. Problem : it is very quickly hot ! Summer temperatures of 30°C in the month of June to heighten the unrest and discomfort for many people. Itching of the skin, warmth on the face, rash, worsening of eczema, sensation of choking, allergy… Tips and tricks to better support the mask in all circumstances.

Medical experts in japan have launched the alert in the first, mid-may. While the temperatures have become summer in Japan (around 30 degrees Celcius), the wearing of face masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus that could impede the good ventilation of the body. The chief of the emergency department of the university hospital of Teikyo, Japan Yasufumi Miyake is convinced of it. He indicates in his study recovery in the columns of the JapanTimes that fresh air cannot reach the lungs, resulting in a shortness of breath and a heat build-up the inside of the body. The expert also points to the possibility of dehydrationof exhaustion and heat stroke so that a summer heatwave is looming. The Graduate School of Medicine, University of Gunma, specializing in the physiology of the environment of Japan, Professor Noriyuki Koibuchi made the same observation and recommendsavoid doing sport while wearing the mask. The journal nippon reports the death of two high school students in China wearing a mask during sports activities, which has led experts to warn against the dangers of wearing a mask is too tight during exercise, the likely origin of a deficiency in oxygen.

“The friction of the mask on the sensitive areas of the face, attacks the skin and spoiling the natural skin barrier.”

“The skin of the face is not physiologically suited to wearing the mask. It is fine and reacts more quickly to the assault-type friction, explains Dr. Radostina Bachvarova, dermatologist. The skin is not the same everywhere. One of the hands is thicker, rougher, less fragile.” The dermatologist says : “The friction of the mask on the sensitive areas of the face, and in particular on the top of the nose or rest some masks with a strip of steel, attacks the skin and spoiling the natural skin barrier. When this skin barrier is damaged, skin problems come.“They are variable from one person to another and depend on the duration of wearing a mask and the phenomenon of heat which increases between the mask and the skin : “2 to 3 days, a week or after a month of frequent wearing of the mask, and more quickly on a fragile skin“specifies the expert. Dr. Bachvarovaiste provides the list of skin problems that may be related to the wearing of the mask :

  • Seborrhea reactive : the friction of the mask on the facial skin, refines the skin, coupled to theaccumulation of the heat, sweat and humidity in the mask, do appear in people sensitive a excessive increase the production of sebum. The pores of the skin become clogged and inflamed as, acne appears.
  • PH imbalance of the skin : the pH of the skin of the face is slightly acid. Under the effect of the heat contained in the mask, it becomes more alkaline. This imbalance promotes proliferation of bacteria to pathogenic germs.
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis : force of aggression repeatedly, redness appear and the skin peels.
  • Acne, acne rosacea : acne and redness on the skin appear by dint of repeated rubbing of the facial mask on the skin, exacerbated by heat, sweating and the imbalance of the microbiota. People on anticoagulant therapy have an increased sensitivity at the level of small vessels.
  • Eczema : also called atopic dermatitis, is an inflammation of the skin which can result in a pruritus at the level of the support zones of the maskeither itching and redness associated.
  • Psoriasis of the face : the repeated rubbing gentle on the skin, patches of psoriasis can appear.
  • Folliculitis or inflammation of the hair follicle in men. It is due to the friction on the hairs of the beard. The heat in the facial mask is an aggravating factor.
  • Pigment spots : the skins matt have a higher resistance in the face of friction, but they are more prone to pigment spots, post inflammatory, more difficult to remove then.

People with asthma, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, of pulmonary fibrosis or bronchitis, should pay attention to the choice of their mask. “A mask too tight, type FFP2 to be difficult to sustain for a long time. With this type of mask the person tends to breathe faster and hyperventilate“says Dr. Sophie Silcret-Grieu, allergist. For people who suffer from respiratory or cardiovascular conditions, caution is therefore placed on the choice of their mask, “of type of surgical preferencebut the best is to try several models and adopt the one that works best, calls for the doctor. A mask is useful, because with the intense circulation of pollens it can be a little protective, and will protect also the other people in the event of sneezing.

“The skins of the older people and the for light skin is thinner and more at risk problems than dark skin” prevent the dermatologist. The same people for skin that is already weakened by conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne or atopic dermatitis are more at risk of not supporting the mask on the plane of the skin. Respiratory, are the people who already suffer from breathing problems that are most affected (COPD, pneumonia…).

  • Freshen the face regularly (for example with a spray of thermal water).
  • Drink a lot of water and / or more often.
  • Remove the mask for the practice of a sports activity.
  • Shaving her beard.
  • Less make-up.
  • Avoid cosmetics, scented, together with preservatives and parabens.
  • Preferred moisturizers, anti-irritation, to put on night and morning.
  • Clean her skin with a product pH-neutral or slightly acid to restore balance to the microbiota of the skin.
  • Treat her skin in the evening with a healing cream.
  • Take the vitamin C. It helps to strengthen the capillary walls of small vessels.
  • Reduce consumption of sugary foods, which stimulates the production of sebum.
  • Reduce its consumption of dairy products from unpasteurized cow’s milk (not recommended in cases of acne and eczema).
  • Choose a mask in which one feels well.
  • Avoid masks Neopreneespecially for people allergic to latex, synthetic materials and those very colorful, containing active ingredients that are irritants. Prefer the surgical masks or those so-called “alternative” cotton and of a neutral colour, pale.

Thanks to Dr. Radostina Bachvarova, dermatologist to the thermal Baths of Saint-Gervais Mont Blanc, specialized in the treatment of pathologies of the skin, and to Dr. Sophie Silcret-Grieu, allergist in Paris.

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