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Hearthstone pro player mistaken for US President Trump on Twitter

A professional Hearthstone player is mistaken for US President Donald Trump on Twitter, causing his follower count to surge. Indeed, this player chose the nickname “Trump” several years ago.

Hearthstone is an online collectible card game – Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

Jeffrey Shih is a professional Hearthstone player, Blizzard Entertainment’s online collectible card game, which went by the nickname “Trump” several years ago. Given the current situation, many Internet users confuse him with the President of the United States, Donald Trump. His number of Twitter followers has exploded in just a few days.

The Hearthstone player chose the nickname Trump several years ago, long before the election of the US president

The pro player of Hearthstone tweeted on January 7, 2021, the day after the Capitol attack, that: ” i have a lot of twitter followers at the moment. I might not be the one you’re trying to follow. Looking for the former president, not the Hearthstone player “. Indeed, most of his new followers are not there to see Hearthstone content, but because they confused Jeffrey Shih’s account with Donald Trump’s. In addition, the “@TrumpSC” account is certified by Twitter, which adds to the confusion.

But then, why did the player choose such a pseudonym? In fact, the choice of his nickname Trump goes back several years. Before playing Hearthstone, he was a pro StarCraft player, hence the “SC” in his nickname. Long before StarCraft and Hearthstone, Jeffrey Shih was a semi-professional poker player when he chose his nickname in reference to the ” Trump Card Which is the equivalent of the asset in French. The player also explained that he was influenced by watching The Apprentice reality show avec Donald Trump.

Last week, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram announced the temporary suspension of Donald Trump’s account following the violence that occurred on Capitol Hill. After being unblocked on Twitter, the US president posted a video condemning the attack on Capitol Hill and grateful his electoral defeat.

Nonetheless, Twitter finally announced on Friday evening the permanent suspension of Donald Trump’s account after this one has posted new messages. The blue bird social network justified this decision by explaining that: ” We felt that they [les messages] were likely to encourage and inspire people to replicate the criminal acts that took place on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 ».

Source : ComicBook

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