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Heartburn? These 3 tips do work

If there is one ailment for which 1001 tips exist, it is heartburn. Not surprising, because it can really hurt you. Because of all those well-intentioned tips and advice, there is a good chance that you no longer see the forest for the trees. Because what really works? We looked it up for you.

When most people think of heartburn, they think of a nasty, acidic regurgitation. You literally taste the acid in your mouth. But even if you don’t have this, you can still suffer from it. Other common complaints are: a painful feeling behind your breastbone, an irritated throat and hoarseness, belching and swallowing problems. In heartburn, the muscle between the stomach and esophagus does not close properly. The stomach acid therefore runs back into the esophagus and even into the throat. If stomach acid enters the esophagus often and for a long time, esophagitis can develop, which permanently changes the tissue of the esophagus. This increases the risk of esophageal cancer. Therefore, never ignore heartburn!

Be careful with heartburn medicines

There are various medicines for stomach acid, such as antacids and antacids. That seems like the ideal solution, especially if you have the feeling that nothing helps. However, you have to be careful with this. With prolonged use, heavy antacids can cause significant side effects. Think of osteoporosis, diarrhea, constipation and alteration of the composition of the intestinal flora. Try to avoid heartburn medicines as much as possible. And if you do use it, never use it for a long time.

3 natural tips against heartburn

If you suffer from heartburn, you naturally want to get rid of it as soon as possible. These three natural tips provide quick relief.

1. Eat a spoonful of oatmeal

Tasty is different, but eating a spoonful of raw oatmeal flakes is according to many a miracle cure. This natural gastric acid suppressant quickly relieves the symptoms. Some people even eat a spoon as standard oatmeal with every meal to prevent heartburn.

2. Try raw potato juice

Raw potato juice has been mentioned as a tip for heartburn for decades. You can easily make this juice yourself. Peel a potato and rub it finely with a grater. Drink the mixture on an empty stomach, in the afternoon before eating and in the evening before going to bed. Drink the juice only fresh, so immediately after preparation.

3. Drink ginger tea

With heartburn, fresh ginger always comes when called. Eat ginger rather not raw, but add it to your cup of tea. Ginger tea ensures that the acidity in contact with the gastric juices neutralizes. This allows your stomach to digest food better. Also drink a cup of ginger tea regularly if you want to avoid stomach upset. Ginger is bursting with healthy substances and can even protect the gastric mucosa.



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