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Heart attacks and other emergencies remain a priority in hospitals

“We have observed that many people who have suffered heart attacks or strokes in times of coronavirus delay in requesting medical assistance for fear of becoming infected (in the hospital) and choose to delay the visit to emergencies or, what is worse, self-medicate”, explained to DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS Dayamil Rodríguez, director of the Cardiac Catheterization Department of the Palmetto General Hospital in Hialeah.

“It is very important for the general public to know that we continue to treat the same diseases that we attended before the pandemic,” said the specialist.

“We are professionals and we understand that people continue to get sick in the same way that happened before the coronavirus outbreak. For this reason, under current conditions, we continue to attend to patients meeting the clinical standards required by each disease. ”

Most Florida hospital centers are ready to ensure quality care for their patients and to avoid contagion. “The main concern for those who suffer from some ailment should be to receive immediate assistance from a specialist. Because time can be key in saving life, especially if you have just had a heart attack or a stroke, “he said

The specialist advised that if someone feels chest pain, or if they suspect they are having or have had a heart attack, immediately seek specialized assistance.

COVID-19 is very thrombogenic. It can form thrombi in different organs, including the brain, heart, and lungs. That is why it is important, in the face of any symptom that indicates that we are in the presence of a cardiovascular accident, to seek specialized assistance immediately, “he stressed.

He added: “Even firefighter paramedics can be instrumental in giving first aid at home in a very dynamic way, without wasting time.”


With the aim of being able to continue providing the usual services and also assist patients who have symptoms related to or suffer from coronavirus, the hospital has adapted to the new reality and has created a mobile emergency room in field tents located in front of the building. It is a spacious place, where social distancing is met and patients are prevented from being close to each other. “Anyone who comes to the hospital should go there. It is where the first diagnosis is made and the symptoms are ruled out to determine whether or not the patient is infected with COVID-19, ”said Rodriguez.

Addressing and preventing the spread of disease is the new balance on which health centers work.

“Uninfected patients are cared for by a team of specialists, all very well protected, appropriate clothing and masks. Although they attend people who are asymptomatic to the virus, ”he explained.

“We have enough personal protective equipment, which is one of the things that nurses and doctors are most concerned about. Even patients, if a healthcare provider consults someone without having enough personal protection, he or she may be the source of the patient’s infection, “he said.

The heart attacks continue, as does life itself. And the cardiology team at Palmetto General Hospital, led by Dr. Miguel Díaz, one of the most reputable in the country, continues to assist those who come to the hospital with a heart condition. “People are unaware that in the middle of Hialeah, in a city that is relatively poor (modest), we are doing novel procedures that are at the level of the most specialized hospitals in the country and in the world.”

Therefore, if someone has had a heart attack or a stroke, do not waste time and go to the hospital immediately. Time can be a determining factor in the resolution of a cardiovascular stroke and its sequelae ”, he concluded.

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