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Hearing loss can occur at any age, here are the symptoms:

KOMPAS.com – Hearing loss is a condition where the ear’s ability to hear is reduced. This health disorder can occur in all circles, including infants, children, adults, and the elderly (elderly).

This condition is caused by a number of factors, ranging from infection, congenital abnormalities (congenital), exposure to loud and loud noises for a long time, tumors, to degenerative diseases.

Hearing loss can occur in various parts of the ear, such as the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear or cochlea (cochlea), and the auditory nervous system.

To note, there are three types of hearing loss. First, conductive hearing loss that occurs in the outer ear. For example, earwax buildup and infections and abnormalities in the middle ear due to infection or a hole in the eardrum.

Secondhearing impairment sensorineural. This disorder occurs in the inner ear, which is the hearing nerve ending in the cochlea that is connected to the brain. Thirdmixed hearing loss, which is a combination of conduction hearing loss and sensorineural.

Consultant Neurotologist, Ear Nose Throat (ENT)-Head Neck Specialist Mayapada Hospital Surabaya dr Haris Mayagung Ekorini, SpTHT-KL(K) explained a number of symptoms that can arise due to hearing loss.

Doctor Haris said the easily recognizable symptoms of hearing loss were difficulty hearing other people’s words, asking others to repeat conversations, and speaking loudly.

“Besides, ringing in the ears or tinnitus and accompanied by discharge from the ear (otore),” said Dr Haris in a written statement received by Kompas.com, Thursday (16/6/2022).

Doctor Haris also urges the public to carry out an intensive examination to a specialist if they find these symptoms.

“Especially, when the hearing loss interferes with daily activities. See a doctor immediately if suddenly you can’t hear anything,” said Dr Haris.

In addition to old age and productive age, hearing loss can also occur in children and infants.

Related to this, Consultant Otology, ENT Specialist-Head Neck Mayapada Hospital South Jakarta dr Diana Rosalina, SpTHT-KL(K) said that the symptoms of hearing loss in infants and children are different from adults.

“When children are not startled when they hear a loud sound, are slow to learn to speak or are not clear when speaking, and do not hear or turn their heads when their name is called, these are symptoms of hearing loss. Immediately consult your child (to a specialist) when these signs appear to get further examination, “explained Dr Diana.

Meanwhile, Mayapada Hospital Bogor BMC ENT-Head Neck Specialist Dr. Anantha Sena Fellow of Otology, SpTHT-KL explained that hearing loss can be influenced by several factors, such as aging, genetics, and exposure to loud noises.

In addition, continued Dr. Anantha, hearing loss can also be caused by several diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, strokes, tumors, and brain injuries.

“Infections during pregnancy, such as toxoplasma gondii (toxo), rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus (HSV) or TORCH, can trigger congenital hearing loss in infants,” he explained.

Doctor Anantha added, actually hearing loss in infants or children can be detected early.

“This can be done by undergoing a newborn hearing screening program or so-called newborn hearing screening”Kata dr Anantha.

Medical measures for babies

ENT-Head Neck Specialist Mayapada Hospital Tangerang, dr. Alexander Nur Ilhami, SpTHT-KL, said hearing screening in infants is common.

This is in line with the development of screening technology, such as otoacoustic emission (OAE), automated auditory brainstem response (AABR), auditory brainstem response (ABR), and auditory steady state response (ASSR).

“The purpose of the treatment of hearing loss is to address the underlying cause and prevent the worsening of the disorder,” he explained.

On distraction sensorineural As a result of aging, for example, hearing rehabilitation aims to improve the patient’s ability to hear using hearing aids (ABD) as well as help the patient to adapt.

“The conductive type of hearing loss can generally be cured with medication or surgery,” explained Dr. Alexander.

Regarding conductive hearing loss, Mayapada Hospital Kuningan ENT-Head of Neck Specialist Dr. Ayu Astria, SpTHT-KL Fellow of Otology explained the actions that can be taken to treat conductive type of hearing loss, including abnormalities in the eardrum and auditory bone (ossicles).

Doctor Ayu said, tympanoplasty is a surgical procedure to repair the eardrum.

“The surgery can also improve hearing function and prevent middle ear infections,” he added.

For information, ENT Center Mayapada Hospital has services for infant hearing screening, diagnostics, and treatment end-to-end.

These services are supported by ENT specialist doctors and consultants for diseases and conditions related to the ear, nose, and throat in children and adults.

In addition, ENT Center Mayapada Hospital also provides consulting, maintenance, and surgical services advanced by trained medical professionals.

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