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Hear the News Subsidized House Prices Rise 4.89%, Disappointed Property Entrepreneurs


Announcement about the increase policy subsidized housing prices being awaited by the housing entrepreneurs. It is reported that new prices for subsidized housing will be announced this month.

General Chairperson of the Indonesian Real Estate Property Association (REI), Paulus Totok Lusida, said that previously there had been an agreement to increase the price of subsidized housing by 7%. However, according to the information he received, the government had conducted outreach to property developers and the increase was only 4.89%.

“It was socialized a few weeks ago. The value was in the range of 4.89%. We agreed it was up to 7%, but this is 4.98%,” he said when contacted detikcomThursday (16/2/2023).

“December 2021 we have agreed on 7%. And PUPR has been socialized to developers, all associations. But there are indeed conditions, the approval of the Ministry of Finance. We are waiting for it from the Ministry of Finance, around 1.5 years,” he continued.

On the other hand, he feels that this increase is not enough to cover the operations of property developers in building subsidized housing. Therefore, after this policy is implemented, it will submit another proposal.

“There must be (a new proposal). Wong has gone up by 7%, this has been reduced to 4.9%, the reasons for which have not been given an explanation. Only the BKF (Fiscal Finance Agency) said, ‘do you want it or not?’ Wong, we are waiting for 3 years, asked whether we want it or not. Yes, we and PUPR also want it. Later, after the (rule) is passed, we will protest again,” he said.

His party has also conveyed this matter to REI members and tried to provide understanding. Moreover, this condition can bring a multiplier effect to industry players with the status of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which have so far supported the procurement of subsidized housing. But regarding subsidized housing is fully regulated in government regulations.

“We will explain to the members, first increase 4.89%, then after that we will continue to ask for another increase. Yes, how come the government doesn’t have one communication. We can sell, we can’t buy anymore. The capital is to build. After a while, it can run out ,” Totok said.

“And we also live in Indonesia, there is profit. But we can’t be like capitalists,” he added.

Meanwhile, when confirmed with the Director General of Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing, Herry Trisaputra Zuna regarding this matter, he said he still could not convey in detail the amount because this decision was in the hands of the Ministry of Finance, in this case the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF).

“We’ll see the results later. After this is done, that’s what happened with all the considerations. I also don’t know how much it will be. Because friends (Ministry of Finance) discussed it,” he said, when met at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Thursday (16 /2/2023).

He added, currently the decision is still being processed at the Ministry of Finance. However, it is said that the announcement will be made in the near future.

“Still in finance (Ministry of Finance). He said the discussion was over but it’s still there. He said this February, we’re still pursuing this,” he said.

As additional information, this matter is regulated in Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) No. 81/PMK.010/2019. Not only that, the current price limit for subsidized housing is also listed in the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (Kepmen PUPR) No. 242/KPTS/M/2020 in March 2020.

The price benchmark for subsidized houses listed in the PUPR Ministerial Decree is in the range of IDR 150.5 million to IDR 219 million depending on the location. Meanwhile for Jabodetabek, the maximum price is IDR 168 million.

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