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Healthy Pregnancy Tips Over 35 Years, Know the Risks & Facts

There are ways to minimize the risk of pregnant women over the age of 35 so that the fetus can stay healthy

Pregnant over 35 years is quite risky for the health of both pregnant women and the fetus in the womb. Therefore, pregnant women who want to have children over the age of 35 years need to know the risks and facts of healthy pregnancy in old age.

Can pregnant women over the age of 35 stay healthy?

Of course you can, Mom. However, there are some things that need to be learned to reduce the risk and know tips for healthy pregnancy over 35 years.

Following Popmama.com summarize information on healthy pregnancy tips over 35 years that you should know.

1. Check your pregnancy regularly


Just like other pregnancy tips, we must also always check for pregnancy regularly. This is aimed at preventing and knowing the risks that may occur.

Ideally, pregnant women need to visit the doctor for a pregnancy check at least 8 times. So at least we need to take the time once a month to check ourselves, especially in the first 6 months of pregnancy.

When entering the age of 7-8 months of pregnancy, do a check every two weeks. We also have to know what prenatal care may be done during pregnancy.

It is also useful for preventing premature birth and low birth weight (LBW) babies. We can also do blood tests to determine the risk of chromosomal abnormalities before the baby is born may be needed.

2. Avoid things that are detrimental to health during pregnancy

2. Avoid things that are detrimental to health during pregnancy

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There are several things that can increase the risk of getting pregnant over 35 years. For example, smoking can cause low birth weight babies, premature babies, birth defects, and sudden infant death syndrome.

Then, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. This can increase the risk of the baby experiencing physical and mental delays.

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3. Maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy

3. Maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy

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A nutritious and balanced diet is important for the health of pregnant women and the health of the developing fetus. It is also important to eat nutritious foods during pregnancy.

Pregnant women are recommended to eat a lot of varied foods to meet the nutritional needs of the body. Important nutrients such as folic acid, calcium to carbohydrates and good sources of fat are needed.

Pregnant women should also consume sources of protein and sources of vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits.

We should also consult with a doctor about weight gain that must be achieved. The more weight you had before you got pregnant, the less weight gain you’ll have to gain when you’re pregnant.

Adequate weight gain during pregnancy can reduce the risk of pregnant women developing gestational diabetes and gestational hypertension.

4. Exercise regularly

4. Exercise regularly

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Regular exercise can help control the weight of pregnant women so that they make the body healthier. Exercise can also help make labor easier.

Sports that we can participate in during pregnancy are exercise classes for pregnant women or yoga for pregnancy. For movements and types of exercise, consult a doctor before choosing.

Exercise for pregnant women also does not have to be heavy. For example, light exercise such as walking is also something that pregnant women can do.

5. Avoid stress

5. Avoid stress


Pregnant women over the age of 35 usually have some anxiety about the health of the baby in the womb. One of them is the possibility of having a miscarriage.

For risks like this, it’s best to talk about how we feel with doctors and those around us. It is recommended that pregnant women also have support system stronger than a husband, relative, or friend. This can reduce the burden of existing thoughts.

Stress during pregnancy can make pregnant women produce more stress hormone called cortisol.

When the amount of stress hormone increases, the blood vessels in the body constrict. This will make blood flow and oxygen supply to the fetus can be disrupted.

Risk of pregnancy over 35 years

Risk of pregnancy over 35 years

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Pregnant women over 35 years have an increased risk of pregnancy. This does not mean that expectant mothers in old age always have this risk.

However, we can understand these risks so we can take preventive steps. Pregnant women over 35 years have a higher risk of experiencing various problems, for example:

  • Preeclampsia, a condition that causes high blood pressure.
  • Gestational diabetes, when there is too much sugar in the blood.
  • Miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • Babies born with defects.
  • Babies are born with low birth weight (BBLR).

That was information about healthy pregnancy tips over 35 years, you should know the risks and facts. This healthy and good pregnancy can be attempted by all pregnant women, so don’t worry as long as we also discuss with the doctor.

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