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Healthy Monday: relieve heavy legs

Every Monday, Série Limitée gives the floor to a well-being expert. This week, Laure Dary, professional dancer and yoga teacher, gives us her recommendations for feeling lighter in summer.

Summer is coming, so is the heat, the season for shorts and skirts is open, it’s time to take care of your legs! Women are particularly affected by heavy leg syndrome. If you feel your legs are compressed and swollen it is because the blood is not circulating well and you will have to help your venous system with tips and exercises that are easy to use for a light legs routine.

We don’t hesitate to move

First of all we think of toning these legs to improve blood circulation thanks to bar exercises on the ground, where we will work up to the tiptoes, or by practicing certain yoga postures such as “utkatasana” la chair posture.

When we solicit the muscles of the lower body, and in particular the calves, we will promote the return of blood to the heart and in this way lighten the legs.

Then, we think of the postures of reversals. Without thinking about too advanced postures, we practice every day the posture of the candle to promote lymphatic circulation. It will also help decompress the pelvic organs and may improve digestion.

Finally, all the activities practiced in the water, such as swimming, aquagym or lunge, will be very beneficial because in addition to working the muscles you will have natural drainage as a bonus.

Massages or self-massages

Only at home we practice dry brushing daily to boost circulation and improve the quality of the skin. From bottom to top, circular movements are performed with light pressure.

In the institute, lymphatic drainage is chosen to lighten the body and eliminate water more easily.

Tips that work

On the diet side, we reduce salt and focus on foods that promote venous return such as raw vegetables, red fruits, avocado and foods rich in omega 3.

It is thought to elevate your legs for at least 10 minutes a day.

We avoid clothes that are too tight and heels that are too high.

It is thought to hydrate by drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

It is thought to breathe to relieve stress and help improve blood circulation.

The exercises that will accompany you all summer

– The statement of the dancers:

The position: standing with both legs parallel, both feet hip-width apart, your back straight, you can lean on a chair or a piece of furniture as if you were a dancer at the barre.

The movement: you lift your heels off the ground and climb as high as possible on the demi-pointe, you hold the position for 3 seconds and you lower your heels in slow motion to the ground. You repeat the movement 10 times.

The benefits: we tone the calves and work the arch of the foot.

– The posture of the chair:

The position: standing with your feet together, you bend your legs bringing your body weight back. If you are looking down you should see your toes. The arms can be extended along the ears or the hands in prayer in front of the chest.

The movement: keep the legs bent for 5 breaths, then extend the legs and bend again to find the chair, then again 5 breaths. The sequence is repeated 5 times.

The benefits: we tone the lower body.

– The posture of the candle:

The position: lying on the ground, raise both legs to the sky and hold the lower back with the hands. The elbows are pointed towards each other, the back of the neck is straight, the feet are pointed. Here, no movement we try to maintain the posture for 10 breaths

The benefits: it facilitates the return of blood to the heart and lymphatic circulation, the posture of light legs.


Laure Dary

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