Report from Tribune of West Java, Putri Puspita
TRIBUNJABAR. ID, BANDUNG- Did you know that if you have cholesterol Excess in the body will cause blockage of fat in the blood vessels and trigger chronic diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease?
Cholesterol is a disease that cannot be cured, but it can be controlled to keep it at normal levels.
Many mention cholesterol as a dangerous disease, when in fact it is a chemical compound needed by the body and produced by the liver.
Cholesterol plays a role in the formation of sex hormones, vitamin D, and for brain and nerve function.
According to the Ministry of Health’s 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data, 6.3% of the population aged 15-34 years have high cholesterol.
Also read: Diabetics Have High Cholesterol? Don’t Panic, This is a Natural Way to Overcome
This number could increase considering that the Covid-19 pandemic for almost two years has also encouraged the habit of lying down.
In addition, instant lifestyle changes are also a level booster cholesterol.
Medical Herbal Doctor graduated from the University of Indonesia, dr. Rianti Maharani M.Si, said, there are several things you can do to maintain levels cholesterol in the blood.
The trick is to apply the 3Ps, namely: diet, activity patterns, and need to take supplements herbal.