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Healthy Heart: Daily Habits for Heart Health and Prevention


One of the vital organs in the body is the heart. The heart’s job is to pump blood, deliver oxygen and distribute nutrients throughout the body every day. Because of this role, heart health must be maintained properly.

An unhealthy and disturbed heart can increase the risk of experiencing a number of serious health problems, such as heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease, and even heart failure.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease) is the main cause of death worldwide.

However, cardiovascular disease can be prevented. By adopting a healthy lifestyle every day you can reduce the risk of developing various heart diseases. So, what kind of healthy habits can you do?

Daily Habits to Maintain Heart Health

Reported by the Mayo Clinic, the following habits can improve heart health and prevent heart disease:

1. Consume Healthy Food

Adopting a diet is said to keep the heart healthy. Not only that, consuming healthy food can also control blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Foods that are good for heart health include; vegetables, fruit, nuts, lean meat and fish, low or fat-free milk, whole grains, and foods that contain healthy fats.

You can also adjust your diet to keep your heart healthy by reducing; foods high in salt or sodium, sweet dishes high in sugar, high in refined carbohydrates, alcohol, processed foods, saturated fats and trans fats.

2. Lots of movement

Doing regular physical activity every day can reduce the risk of heart disease. Staying active also helps control blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and control body weight.

On the other hand, regular movement can also strengthen bones and muscles which can increase energy, relax and have a happy mood.

Do at least 30-60 minutes of physical activity every day. You can also do moderate aerobic exercise such as walking briskly for 150 minutes or running for 75 minutes a week.

3. Stop Smoking

The chemicals in tobacco can damage blood vessels and the heart. Cigarette smoke can reduce oxygen in the blood, increase blood pressure and heart rate.

Therefore, stop smoking or stop using smokeless tobacco. Even if you are not an active smoker, don’t become a passive smoker.

By quitting smoking, the risk of heart disease will be reduced. Apart from that, your overall health will also improve.

4. Get enough sleep

People who don’t get enough sleep are at higher risk of heart attacks, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep.

The average adult needs at least 7 hours of quality sleep. Meanwhile, children usually need more sleep.

5. Manage Stress Well

High and continuous stress can affect blood pressure and risk heart disease. Therefore, good stress management is necessary.

Managing stress can be done in healthy ways, such as physical activity, relaxation, meditation or yoga. Avoid unhealthy stress management such as overeating, consuming alcoholic drinks, or smoking.

6. Control Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

High blood pressure is one of the main factors that can increase the risk of heart disease. Likewise, high cholesterol can damage the heart and blood vessels.

For this reason, you need to control your blood pressure and cholesterol levels so that they remain at a balanced level.

You can do this by consuming healthy foods that are rich in fiber, contain unsaturated fats, reduce your intake of salt, vegetables, fruit, fish and whole grains.

7. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Being overweight or obese can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. All of these conditions can increase the risk of heart disease

You can maintain a healthy weight by moving a lot every day, adopting a healthy diet, and getting enough and quality sleep.

To find out whether you are obese or not, you can measure your body mass index (BMI) using your height and weight. A BMI category of 25 or more is considered overweight or obese.

Here’s how to calculate BMI:

BMI: Body Weight (kg) : [Tinggi Badan (m) x Tinggi Badan (m)]

For example, Z weighs 57 kg with a height of 161 cm. To calculate BMI, namely 57 kg: [1,61 x 1,61] = 21.98. So, Z’s BMI is 21.91. So, he is classified as normal and does not have excess weight.

Waist circumference can also be used to measure how much belly fat you have. The risk of heart disease can be higher if your waist size is greater than; 101.6 cm for men and 88.9 cm for women.

That’s a series of daily habits that are healthy for the heart. So, let’s start this habit for better heart health.

Watch the video “Healthy lifestyle for young people for heart health


2023-11-30 06:27:23
#Simple #Habits #Healthy #Heart #Day

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