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Healthy aging.

Agirc-Arrco is launching the second edition of Prevention Week for Healthy Aging, which will be held from January 17 to 21, 2022 in the Agirc-Arrco Prevention Centers in Rouen and Caen. On the program, every day, chats, conferences and practical workshops to encourage Normans to take care of their health from the age of 50. Four main themes will be addressed: nutrition, physical activity, stress management and sleep.

“Prevention week for healthy aging aims to raise awareness among people aged 50 and over living in the region about the right behaviors to adopt to allow everyone to stay healthy for as long as possible. explains Bernard Chéru, director of the Agirc-Arrco prevention centers in Rouen and Caen.

Conferences and discussion sessions to encourage Normans over 50 to take care of their health

Events are offered from Tuesday to Friday in the Agirc-Arrco prevention centers in Rouen and Caen to present good practices to adopt and challenge certain received ideas:

▪ Tuesday January 18: Nutrition

Workshop in Rouen and broadcast of the national conference in Caen.

· 9 am – 10.30 am: “Food balance” workshop, led by a nutritionist dietitian and followed by a debate led by professionals from the Agirc-Arrco Rouen prevention centre.

· 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.: Conference “Taking care of my health: I start with my plate!” »

Food is the basis of a balanced lifestyle. However, more than 60% of people over 50 consume less than 5 fruits and vegetables per day*. Dr. Sophie Pichierri, accompanied by a dietician, explains how to regain or preserve your nutritional balance, while continuing to have fun.

▪ Wednesday, January 19: Physical activity

Local conference in Caen and broadcast of the national conference in Rouen.

· 9am – 10.30am: Local conference on physical activity, led by Bernard Chéru, medical director and followed by a debate led by professionals from the Agirc-Arrco Caen prevention centre.

10 a.m. – 11 a.m.: Conference “physical activity for all”

Dr. Delphine Berra explains how moving is good for both body and morale, and shares ideas and advice on how to get the most out of it. Although nearly 3 out of 4 people questioned practice a regular activity (at least once a week), few of them dare to try new disciplines: 35% practice walking and nearly 14% gardening*. Swimming or even yoga, very complete disciplines, are still not very widespread with respectively 5% and 4% of followers among those aged 50 and over*.

▪ Thursday, January 20: Stress management

Workshop in Rouen and broadcast of the national conference in Caen.

· 9am – 10.30am: “Stress management / Breathing control” workshop, led by Jérôme Huvey, physiotherapist and sophrologist masseur, followed by a debate led by professionals from the Agirc-Arrco Rouen prevention centre.

10 a.m. – 11 a.m.: Conference “stress: understanding, preventing and acting”

More than 1 out of 3 French people aged over 50 feel tense or upset most of the time*. Dr. Christiane Vannier details the consequences (sometimes positive!) of stress and gives the keys to avoid being overwhelmed.

▪ Friday, January 21: Sleep

Local conference in Caen and broadcast of the national conference in Rouen.

· 9 am – 10.30 am: Local conference on sleep, led by Bernard Chéru, medical director and followed by a debate led by professionals from the Agirc-Arrco Caen prevention centre.

10 a.m. – 11 a.m.: Conference “The keys to better sleep”

Dr. Martine Burbaud explains the mechanisms of sleep, its development and gives valuable advice for better sleep, while more than 34% of people over 50 frequently feel tired or even exhausted*.

*2021 data from Agirc-Arrco prevention assessment questionnaires

Useful information :

Address of Prevention Centers:

14-16 rue des Jacobins (1st floor) – 14000 Caen

57 avenue de Bretagne (9th floor) – 76000 Rouen

Registration required to attend conferences and workshops on www.centredeprevention.com

Participation in events in the Agirc-Arrco Caen and Rouen Prevention Center will take place within the limits of available places and in compliance with the health measures in force.

And for those unable to move…

In addition to these events, chats on each of the four main themes will be offered online every day on the site. www.centredeprevention.com.

These interactive sessions will allow people who cannot or do not wish to travel to ask their questions to the professionals of the prevention centers and to receive live answers adapted to their personal situation.

All the conferences will also be accessible online.

A prevention course throughout France

The prevention week for healthy aging is also an opportunity to inform the public about the prevention courses, offered free of charge from the age of 50 by the Agirc-Arrco prevention centers throughout the year. These can be done by teleconsultation or by going to one of the 17 Agirc-Arrco prevention centers or to one of the many sites made available by partners throughout the territory. These prevention courses, which make it possible to identify possible risk factors, are accessible to all private sector employees and retirees from the age of 50, as well as to their spouses. The prevention course includes a medical check-up carried out by a doctor from the centre, supplemented by a psychosocial component carried out by a psychologist.

At the end of the assessment, a personalized prevention course is offered to the beneficiary. It contains personalized advice, suggestions for conferences and workshops on the topics of sleep, memory, stress management, physical activity, etc. The Agirc-Arrco prevention centers thus support more than 26,000 beneficiaries each year. To know more : www.centredeprevention.com/

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