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healthcare workers want to be prioritized

The Union of Nurses, Respiratory Therapists and Auxiliary Nurses of Laval (SIIIAL-CSQ) questions the fact that health workers are not prioritized as part of the COVID-19 vaccination operation.

Indeed, the union organization believes that the Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of Laval should offer a second dose of vaccine against the virus to all their members who so desire before moving on to the general population.

5,493 of the 8,814 employees of the Laval health network had been fully vaccinated as of Sunday, June 13, which represents 62.32% of them.

“Our members have been at the front from the start and a majority are still waiting for their second dose,” says Déreck Cyr, vice-president and responsible for health and safety at work for the SIIIAL-CSQ. Some were vaccinated for the first time in mid-February and are still waiting. “

He adds that some members, who were vaccinated before March, had difficulty making a second appointment because it was not working through the Clic Santé system. Some were rather waiting for the call from the CISSS de Laval to plan the second trip, but they did not receive it as planned.

The planned closure of the vaccination clinic located in the annexes behind the Cité-de-la-Santé Hospital is also denounced.

Personal choice

According to the CISSS de Laval, a communication was sent to all employees to tell them the number to reach in order to make an appointment for the second dose of vaccine. “It should be remembered, however, that the advancement of the second dose is a non-compulsory option and that some employees do not wish to bring forward this date”, specifies Judith Goudreau, spokesperson for the CISSS de Laval.

It also notes that “all workers who have direct contact with patients, and who so desire, have received their second dose of vaccine.”

A special line has also been set up at the mass vaccination center at Place Sports Experts. Interested employees can go there without an appointment to receive their first or second dose with a minimum wait once there.

For the second administration, it is obviously necessary to respect the eight-week deadline established by the Quebec Immunization Committee.

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