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Healthcare Filter: Call Before You Go to Mercy Hospital Emergency Room

“Call before you go”

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Health “Call before you go”

GI – Today at 05:00

Whether in Thionville or Metz, you no longer go to the emergency room like in a mill. Like Bel-Air, Mercy Hospital has introduced a filter. Normal when you belong to the same CHR… Said filter took shape through the presence… of security guards. “People who come without having dialed 15 must make a phone call before being able to enter”, recalls Dr.

GI – Today at 05:00

Whether in Thionville or Metz, you no longer go to the emergency room like in a mill. Like Bel-Air, Mercy Hospital has introduced a filter. Normal when you belong to the same CHR… Said filter took shape through the presence… of security guards. “People who come without having dialed 15 must make a phone call before being able to enter”, recalls Dr Philippe Alarcon, head of the Emergency department within the CHR. It’s rare, but if the potential patient who arrives doesn’t have a cell phone, he can use the intercom. “The device works like a telephone: the person will come across the regulation assistant, who will transmit to the regulating doctor, who will decide on the action to be taken. » Either the redirection of the applicant to his general practitioner or to a care access service (SAS). And if the pathology is indeed serious, the door to the Emergency Department will open.

Between 145 and 160 patients per day

But the main thing, “is to call before moving”, insists Dr. Alarcon. Which also wants to reassure: despite the drop in the number of doctors, “the summer regulation of Emergencies responds to patient care requests. Of course, serious road accidents, traumatic work injuries, septic shocks, strokes or people with a heart attack will always benefit from the services of the Samu. But people suffering from appendicitis are no longer systematically directed to the emergency room. The number of doctors is falling and we have to adapt our healthcare offer. But this is done in the most efficient way possible. We will always be there for people. »

The Mercy Emergencies are “between 145 and 160 patients a day. We have returned to the pre-Covid level”. During the pandemic, people dialed 15 less often: they were afraid of being infected by the virus.


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