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Healthcare expenses, credit the current account: what will change

The theme of the so-called is back in vogue “tax cashback”, started at the end of last year on the explicit proposal of the Five Star Movement. An argument that resumed in conjunction with the reopening of the works relating to the tax reform.

At the moment the basic idea provides for the return directly to the citizen’s current account of all those healthcare expenses (such as analyzes, specialist visits, assistance, treatments or drugs) paid for in a perfectly traceable manner. A system that, in the intentions of the grillini, should also be extended to other types of deductible costs. The primary objective, outlined by an integrative proposal from Leu, would be to start first with the social and health expenses. Only later, in the event of positive feedback, could the same method be extended to other deductible expenses. This presupposes, it should be noted, the finding of extra funds: at the moment the necessary financial coverage is lacking, which can only be sought with the next budget maneuver.

The “fiscal cashback” proposal, on the government table in the form of amendments presented to the tax reform law, will therefore be evaluated and subsequently voted on. However, these amendments do not include any kind of detail about the practical operation of the maneuver, but only its general principles. For now it is only possible to speculate.

Despite the name attributed to it, this measure should not be configured as the “cashback” of memory grill, which would not reuse, therefore, the technological system. The only aspect in common could be represented by the need to communicate, at the time of payment, the coordinate Iban of the account to which the refund is to be obtained.

It would be, in essence, the taxpayer to choose whether to obtain the cashback or whether to take the usual way of deduction. To get the refund, the interested party should therefore notify the seller / service provider before payment, providing a specific code that will be reported both in the payment means and in the receipt / electronic invoice. At this point it will be the duty of the seller / service provider, at the time of communicating the expenditure incurred by the citizen to the tax registry, to indicate the will of his customer to obtain the cashback.

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