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Health. Welfare reorganization: the bill raises questions in the Channel

How to respond to the shortage of doctors? The seven orders of health professions have submitted a list of proposals to the government. (© archives)

Access to care is problematic. In our countryside, above all. In France they are 6 million having no treating doctors. And 600,000 are in long-term illness.

Direct access to professionals

Collected within the Liaison committee between ordersthe seven orders of the health professions have therefore handed over to list of government solutions to respond to this urgent situation. Result a bill from which it will be examined From November 28th to December 4th from theNational Assembly.

It aims to accelerate the decomposition of the health system.

“It’s called direct access. It is still under discussion but is progressing well. The goal is to relieve doctors by establishing, for example, a diagnosis while remaining within the limits of our competence. “

Martina BillardPresident of the Order of Physiotherapist Massagers of La Manche

Concretely, GPs would no longer be the only access to the health system. The documents could be transferred to nurses, physiotherapists et pharmacists.

It’s not about replacing the doctor, insists Martine Billard. On the other hand, we can relieve the doctor from a consultation for a sprained ankle, for example, ”he explains.

The organization is not defined but already raises questions to Dr. Jean Sciré, president of the departmental council of the Order of Physicians of the Some.

“This solution erases a lot of things. The doctor makes a simple but also differential diagnosis: what else could it be? – and the etiology – where does it come from? It is a job done after ten years of study. There is no doctors, it is true, but we cannot replace him like this, remains a central element. If we eliminate it, there is also the question of responsibility. Who will take it? “

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Thinking about the coordination of care

The acts affected by the transfer of powers are also not yet defined. Renewal of the prescription, prescription of analgesics, blood test, voltage monitoringfor the nurses and the pharmacists, sprains, shoulder pain, tendinitis or lumbago for physiotherapists. The government will have to decide what evils are foreseen.

But again, the‘Order of doctors of La Manchethrough its president, it has reservations.

“Three times out of four, for one refill, it will work fine. However, even if it goes unnoticed by the patient, for a renewal, the doctor re-evaluates the treatment. There is a mental question every time. We need to think about the coordination of care. The doctor must remain the conductor. It’s not just about reworking a document. There are many questions surrounding this reorganization of care. “

Doctor Jean SciréPresident of the Order of Doctors of La Manche

Last year the Parliament he had already tried to give pharmacists the right to treat cystitis and benign angina. The decree of the text, however, never appeared. The ball is once again in the government’s court.

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