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Health & Wealth Expo 2023: Reducing Neck and Shoulder Pain from Office Syndrome with Herbal Medicine and Thai Traditional Medicine


Neck, shoulder pain. Who… doesn’t have it? The more hours you sit and work, the more and more painful it becomes. Come join us in reducing office syndrome at the ‘Health & Wealth Expo 2023’ event: 11-12 Nov. at Hall 5-6, LG floor, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. Office Syndrome It is the main health problem of working people. ‘Treatment with herbal medicine and traditional Thai medicine’ such as massage, herbal oil tattooing, cupping, etc. Adjust risky behavior. Before you can easily get office syndrome, including sitting position, using tables and chairs that are appropriate for your body. And if the pain is severe and left untreated, you should see a doctor.

By now everyone probably knows about ‘office syndrome’ or myofascial pain syndrome. It comes from working that uses the same muscles over and over for a long time continuously. This results in muscle inflammation and aches and pains in various organs from head to toe. It can cause pain or numbness. Especially around the neck, back, shoulders, arms, or wrists.

The group most at risk for office syndrome will be people of working age in offices. This group of people, although they do not move their bodies a lot, Until it seems like you are not using your muscles, but sitting, standing, or remaining in one position for too long, such as bending your head to use a mobile phone Sitting and working in front of a computer screen for a long time can cause the muscles used in that posture to become stiff and sore.

The same is true for regular laborers or athletes. Caused by improper movement, such as lifting things in the wrong position. Pulling muscles too quickly excessive exertion or having to carry things that are too heavy Causes acute or chronic muscle or bone injury.

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Working people are treated for office syndrome. with herbal medicine

At the trade fair and knowledge fair To live a happy and prosperous life Various knowledge Various gurus gathered in the event ‘Health & Wealth Expo 2023’: The Journey of Life organized by Nation from 9-12 November 2023 from 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Hall 5-6, LG Floor, Siri National Convention Center. Kit

P.D.Natchadathorn Khamsanthia, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Doctor at Suphap Osot Saha Clinic, speaking during ‘Health Trends, Herbs, Thai Economic Opportunities’ Generate income from the foundation’ that Thai herbs It has received more attention and become more popular. This is not only in the elderly group. But in the group of people of working age Give importance to health care and came in to treat symptoms related to office syndrome A disease that almost every working age person experiences.

“Supap Osot opens the sale of modern medicine, herbs and dietary supplements. The management team sees the importance of prevention, care and treatment of patients in a complete manner. Therefore, Suphap Osot Saha Clinic was opened. To provide treatment according to traditional Thai medicine and applied Thai traditional medicine in the Rama 3 area. Most of the patients who come for treatment are patients with chronic diseases such as NCDs, such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure, who will be treated with herbs. Group of diseases related to muscles and bones and office syndrome patients”

Risky behavior is office syndrome

Do the same activities or work continuously for at least 6 hours per day, such as office workers. Sitting staring at a computer screen all day Rarely gets up and goes anywhere. Sales staff who have to stand and sell all day. (Especially employees who must wear high heels), drivers who have to sit and drive for a long time, people who have pain from working for 2-3 hours, or some people wake up in the morning and don’t feel pain. But in the evening you will start to have pain, stiffness, or numbness. Working in an inappropriate environment, such as a crowded office with no ventilation. Or the table and chair are not suitable for the body. Have chronic pain and after treating or stretching the muscles, the symptoms improve. But after a while it came back again. Symptoms often occur in the muscles of the shoulder, neck, shoulder blade, and back. The pain radiates to different parts, such as pain in the head. Pain radiating into the shoulder or arm, pain radiating into the leg, infrequently moving or not exercising regularly Work that requires regular physical exertion, such as carrying, dragging, lifting, or pushing materials.

Treat office syndrome with traditional Thai medicine.

Treatment of office syndrome patients and other disease patients It will be the science of traditional Thai medicine and applied Thai traditional medicine, ranging from massage to treat symptoms. Tattoo medicinal with herbal oil sucking poison from blood and burning herbal medicine It will focus on patients with chronic muscle problems. or a group with office syndrome

by treatment guidelines for office syndrome patients muscle pain The neck and shoulders will begin with treatment and history. Physical examination by a medical expert Because each person’s office syndrome symptoms are different. There may be slight symptoms and many different symptoms.

The procedure begins with massage treatment along the muscle lines. and will use medicinal tattooing with herbal oils This is a tattoo using a needle inserted into our skin. for the oil to relax the muscles and reduce inflammation For people who have problems with gas in the stomach Will use the method of burning herbal medicine. which is ancient medical science

In this regard, massage therapy and herbal compresses To stimulate and balance the circulatory system. Helps blood flow easily. Helps muscles relax. Or use Plai oil or Plai balm. Rub and massage to relax muscles. pain relief and inflammation But massage must be used 48 hours after inflammation has occurred.

There are also herbal medicines on the National List of Essential Medicines. that has the effect of relieving pain Reducing muscle inflammation is a medicine called Tao Wan Priang. From research studies, it has been found that vine can reduce pain. and inflammation as well as modern anti-inflammatory drugs Does not cause toxicity to the body and there is no change of laboratory blood results Therefore, the medicine Vinepriang can be used to treat muscle pain syndrome safely.

‘Thai herbs’ health tourism and learning destination

Pranai Saichomphu, Deputy Managing Director of Play La Ploen Boutique Resort Company Limited, said that traveling and food It’s the same thing. which herbal business It is one of the health tourism markets because herbs are raw materials for both food and workshop products and make it a health tourism destination. educational travel

“Pla Ploen was originally a hotel business. and tourist attractions in Buriram Province which Buriram It is a province that has many herbs. Play La Ploen is a tourist attraction for learning about health. Therefore, herbs have been brought into use in tourism. Making products for health care Whether it’s turmeric or hemp plants and is open for both Thai and foreign tourists to come and learn. Create new experiences with herbs because we do a complete service, including services, procedures, and herbal products,” Pranai said.

Year 2023 Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Set a target for the value of consuming herbal products. The gross domestic product increased by not less than 50,000 million baht.

Pranai further said that foreigners are very fond of Thai herbs. Because Thailand is an agricultural country. The agricultural products of Thailand are not inferior to any other nation, and the herbal procedures are unique. Thai wisdom, which many procedures such as herbal oil tattooing They all have differences. and is the preference of foreigners

“Right now, when it comes to health care, focusing only on Beauty isn’t enough. You have to pay attention to Healthy as well, because if your health isn’t good, Life will not be happy. I would like to invite everyone to come visit the event. Come take a tour at the event ‘Health & Wealth Expo 2023’: The Journey of Life to create a good health experience. And if I have the opportunity and time, I want you to go to Play La Pleun, a tourist attraction that will make everyone happy to travel. Have fun learning,” Pranai said.

Adjust your behavior before risking office syndrome.

Schedule regular breaks, every 2-3 hours or sooner. Get up and move or exercise to relax your muscles. change posture Do not remain in any one position for too long. Choose tables and chairs that are appropriate for your body. Adjust the correct sitting level and adjust your sitting position correctly, that is, sit with your back straight. The computer screen must be at eye level. Don’t bend or look up. and the shoulders do not lift while working In the case of severe pain The next step of treatment is Using painkillers to reduce pain makes you more comfortable. Regular exercise

Cardio exercises such as running, swimming, and cycling help to improve blood circulation. Muscles are stronger. Protects ligaments and joints Be flexible

Exercise to strengthen muscles Strengthen muscles such as turning, bending and tilting, and strengthen core muscles such as Pilates exercises. It will reduce the chance of spinal injury. that is directly affected by our sitting position

Stretching exercises Benefits in stretching and exercising various muscles, allowing joints to move normally, reducing stiffness and muscle fatigue.

Exercises to reduce office syndrome

Treating office syndrome with physical therapy is a treatment that addresses the root cause and helps restructure the body in the problem area. Return to the correct anatomical position as appropriate to each person’s problems and symptoms.

There are many ways to treat office syndrome, such as using hot compresses. Doing an ultrasound, doing a shock wave, or doing a neck and back pull. It will reduce pain or office syndrome.

However, office syndrome symptoms should be consulted with a doctor to diagnose the cause of the symptoms. What is the cause? Are there any other complications? In order to treat correctly and appropriately according to each individual’s symptoms.

Poses to increase the flexibility of the front neck muscles

Lift your head, tilt your neck to the side to be stretched 45 degrees, straighten your body, use the opposite hand to hold your head from the back, press down until you feel tight, hold for 15 seconds. *Do this 5 times in a row, one side at a time.

Exercises to increase the strength of the shoulder blade muscles

Hold dumbbells at chest level. Squeeze both shoulder blades together slowly. *Do this 2-3 days a week. and must be done continuously for at least 2 months

Exercises to strengthen the postural muscles of the neck. Increase the strength of deep neck muscles By pulling the neck back to match the body.

Look straight ahead, don’t look down or look up. Hold for at least 5 seconds. Can be done at any time.

Poses to increase the flexibility of the chest muscles

Place your hands and arms against the wall parallel to the floor. Take a slight step forward and twist away. Face away from the wall until you feel tightness in your chest muscles. Hold for 15 seconds, five times in a row, then switch sides.

Postures that increase joint movement thoracic spine

Put your hands together at the back of your neck. Bend your chest forward 10 times, do 3 sets. Exercises with exercises must be done continuously. So Office Syndrome can be treated.

refer: Rama Channel

2023-11-11 07:32:00

#Office #Syndrome #common #disease #working #people #solved #herbal #medicine

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