In yellow alert are blood types AB- and B
The Madrid Ministry of Health has warned of the low blood reserves that are currently registered in hospitals in the region and has made an “urgent appeal” to the people of Madrid to donate, especially people with type 0+ blood, 0-, A+, and A-.
In addition, blood type AB- and B are in low supply and donations will be urgently needed soon. The places where people from Madrid can donate blood this Sunday are the Ramón y Cajal, La Paz, October 12, Clinic, Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda and Hospital de Móstoles hospitals.
Some mobile units have also been set up in places such as the La Vaguada shopping center and in the Plaza de Santa Bárbara. Outside of Madrid there are established blood collection points in El Boalo, El Álamo, Alcobendas, Navacerrada, Paracuellos, Chapinería and Tres Cantos.
The Ministry of Health has reminded that those interested can donate every two months. If the person is a man, he can do it up to a maximum of four times, on the contrary, if he is a woman three times a year. It is intended to obtain 35,000 donations from July 1 to September 15 for the 12,000 patients who will need transfusions in the summer months.