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Health: Vaccination campaign against cervical cancer

The government is setting a new milestone in its fight against cervical cancer. The Minister of Health, Khalid Aït Taleb, declared during the oral question session which took place on April 25, 2022 in the House of Representatives, that his department will soon launch a vaccination campaign which will concern girls aged from 9 years and over to protect them against this disease, which “is the third most common cancer in Morocco”. It is also the second most common cancer among Moroccan women, with more than 3,500 new cases per year, he said. According to Mr. Aït Taleb, in addition to early screening, recommended from the age of 21, vaccination against the HPV virus is a means of prevention to avoid this pathology. Two vaccines are currently available in the Kingdom: Cervarix and Gardasil.

Mr. Aït Taleb answered a question from the parliamentarian Latifa Chérif of the USFP on the strategy for the fight against cancer in women in Morocco. The socialist deputy also invited him to collaborate with civil society, in particular NGOs, for the success of this campaign.

According to statistics published at the end of 2021 by the Ministry of Health, the number of women diagnosed with uterine cancer will increase from approximately 3,643 cases in 2022 to 4,273 cases in 2026. And this trend will continue to reach 4,991 cases in 2030.


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