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Health Threats in 2024: 3 Epidemics, 12 Diseases to Monitor – Department of Disease Control Issues Warning

3 epidemics, 12 diseases to monitor, health threats in 2024 at the Department of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health issued a loud warning about Predict disease situations that are likely to occur so that people can be vigilant. Ready to issue advice on self-protection Meanwhile, relevant agencies will be prepared including medicine, medical supplies, beds, and personnel to deal with if an outbreak occurs.

Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn Director General of the Department of Disease Control State the reason for having to come out and warn society out loud. About the prediction of various diseases that “It is important that every year the situation is assessed to see what diseases are affecting Thai people. and come out to inform the public so that everyone can prepare to take precautions including forecasting the number of patients In order for government agencies to prepare medicine, medical supplies, and beds to care for sick people. Importantly, many diseases can be prevented. If we follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Public Health which does not want the people to be alarmed But I want to be aware and have knowledge and understanding of that disease.”

“Public Health News Team” would like to summarize predictions and recommendations for prevention of 3 epidemics and 12 diseases to watch out for that are considered health threats in 2024 as follows.

For 3 epidemics: 1. COVID-19 disease Which is currently considered an endemic disease. In 2024, it is expected that 649,520 people will be sick, 38,672 people will be hospitalized, and 852 people will die. The strain found is still the omicron strain. The World Health Organization has recommended that the booster vaccine be administered in Group 608 at least once a year. Individuals in general vaccinate on a voluntary basis. They also recommend that people should wear masks when in the community. or approach the elderly And you should wash your hands often. 2. Influenza It is expected that this year there will be 346,110 patients. The outbreak will begin in May. Prevent it by getting vaccinated once a year. 3. Dengue fever. It is estimated that 276,945 people were sick and 280 people died. Currently, dengue fever is a disease found in all age groups. and will be very dangerous for adults Can be prevented by applying mosquito repellent and eliminating mosquito breeding sources around the house. Most importantly, mosquito repellent should be applied to patients with dengue fever to prevent mosquito bites. and transmit the infection to others

The 12 diseases to be monitored include 1. hand-foot-and-mouth disease, 2. measles, 3. small pox, 4. soil fever, 5. leptospirosis, 6. ear fever. 7. Zika virus infection 8. Chikungunya disease 9. Syphilis 10. Gonorrhea 11. HIV/AIDS 12. Tuberculosis

Divided into diseases related to young children: 1. Hand, foot and mouth disease This year, 61,470 people are expected to be sick. Teachers of primary schools or child care centers. Children should be screened every day. If sick children are found, they must be separated from normal children. and notify public health officials For sick children, they should stop studying. Parents of children under 5 years of age, if the child has a fever If you have blisters or sores in your mouth, palms, or soles of your feet, see a doctor immediately. 2. Measles: It is estimated that 1,089 people are infected. This disease can be prevented with a vaccine. Parents should get their children vaccinated against measles (MMR) 2 times, with the first dose at 9-12 months and the second dose at 1 and a half years of age. If you see your child has a fever, rash, along with a cough, runny nose, or red eyes, hurry up. See a doctor

New diseases that need to be monitored include: 3. Smallpox It is expected that 400 people will be found infected with this new disease in Thailand. Most are in the MSM group. But ordinary people can get infected. If you touch secretions This disease usually does not cause death and can be cured. But the deceased is The group had AIDS and did not take antiretroviral drugs and then contracted smallpox and other diseases. Protect by avoiding close contact with strangers. or having sex that is at risk People with low immunity or an impaired immune system, you should maintain good health and take regular medicine regularly. And if blisters or rashes appear after being exposed to the disease You should see a doctor immediately.

Diseases to be careful of when treading through muddy water include: 4. Clay fever or melioidosis. It is found mostly in farmers, estimated at 3,400 people. 5. Leptospirosis, this year it is estimated that 2,800 people will be found. Therefore, when treading water into gardens, fields, or farms, you should wear boots and rubber gloves. When you have a fever Breathing heavily Please see a doctor immediately. For leptospirosis, if you have muscle pain, especially in the calves or thighs After 1-2 weeks of wading through mud and water, see a doctor immediately.

Diseases related to the digestive tract include: 6. Ear fever. It is estimated that 432 people are infected with the disease and it is preventable. By eating cooked pork Choose to buy pork from a reliable source if you have a fever, confusion, stiff neck, deafness or acute hearing loss. Must see a doctor immediately

Diseases that are carried by Aedes mosquitoes include: 7. Zika virus infection. It is a disease brought by Aedes mosquitoes. Especially dangerous for pregnant women. If children are infected with Zika, they are more likely to have small heads and mental disabilities. In 2023, 13 children with small heads were found. This disease can live in male sperm for more than 3 months. 8. Chikungunya disease. or joint pain, mosquito bites, this year the trend is 1,389 people. Zika virus infection chikungunya disease And dengue fever is also carried by Aedes mosquitoes. Prevent mosquitoes by applying mosquito repellent. Destroys mosquito breeding grounds. which will prevent up to 3 diseases

Sexually related diseases include: 9. Syphilis, this year it is estimated that 17,273 people will be found, with more cases found in youth. And starting to find syphilis in pregnant women passing it on to their children. 10. Gonorrhea. It is expected that 7,254 people will be infected. 11. HIV/AIDS. This year, it is estimated that 9,366 people will be infected and 10,014 will die, including syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS. This can be prevented by wearing condoms. Take medicine regularly and 12. Tuberculosis disease. It is expected that this year 82,759 people will find this disease when infected. It takes 1 to 2 years for symptoms to appear. Anyone who has been in contact with a tuberculosis patient, if they have symptoms of coughing, low fever, loss of appetite, or weight loss, should see a doctor and report that they have been in contact with a tuberculosis patient.

The “Public Health News Team” views the epidemic as a health threat. The public needs to receive official information from government agencies. But more importantly It is to create a protective shield from germs that we cannot see. It must be a cooperation of both parties, with the public sector having to have knowledge and seriously following the recommendations. Meanwhile, the government sector is the one supporting the information. Informing of the actual situation that occurred completely and comprehensively. Both prepare medicine, medical supplies, and personnel to respond. In the event of an outbreak

In the past, many diseases have provided many lessons and knowledge to mankind.

We just need to be aware and not neglect to protect ourselves before it’s too late. It will definitely help reduce the loss of life, property and the national economy.

Public Health News Team

2024-01-23 00:18:00

#Warning #public #agencies #Dealing #health #threats #epidemics #watch #build #protective #shield #late

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