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Health: the Ségur Tour de France stops in Occitanie

the essential
The Minister of Solidarity and Health is today in the Tarn to detail the investments of Ségur de la Santé.

Since March 2019, the Covid-19 health crisis has demonstrated the importance of our social protection system which plays the essential role of shock absorber, and, in this system, the capital and central place of men and women employed in the hospital, in nursing homes. Doctors, nurses, orderlies, paramedics, rescuers, health executives, but also the military, firefighters, pharmacists … all these “frontline” professions that we applauded at 8 pm each evening during the first confinement , saluting their courage in the face of a formidable epidemic that we knew so little about, their dedication despite the crying lack of means, masks and gowns, their self-sacrifice in the service of the French when they overcame stress and fatigue, the distress in the face of hospitalizations and the death of thousands of French people.

The hospital has stood firm thanks to those who support it, the hospital has coped despite its financial and human difficulties.

This is precisely why after the first confinement, the government launched the Ségur de la Santé, a “Grenelle” meant to re-examine everything, that is to say to review the health policies of the last 20 years and their implacable budgetary orthodoxy, this liberal dogma that could be summed up by always doing more with less. It was then, according to the promise made in Mulhouse by Emmanuel Macron to launch “a massive plan of investment and upgrading of all careers for our hospital”.

Health objective … and political

This Ségur de la Santé, built after extensive consultation, resulted in 33 commitments in July 2020 and above all released 9 billion euros to recognize professions and regain places in international rankings, but also 19 billion euros out of 10. years to revive investments in hospitals and nursing homes, and accelerate digital development. Of the 19 billion announced, the management of 14.5 billion was entrusted to the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) and to local elected officials because the pandemic has shown how the region is a relevant territory for organizing the health of tomorrow. The Regions, which are fighting against medical deserts, also want to be actors in health.

The government has understood this clearly. One year after the Ségur de la Santé, when the first upgrades began, the executive began a tour of France to detail, region by region, the investment plan. Long-awaited investments because if the Covid-19 seems to be receding, the hospital crisis is still there. The flash survey led by the President of the Scientific Council, Jean-François Delfraissy, estimating that about one in five beds is closed in large public hospitals for lack of personnel, is there to demonstrate it.

For Minister Olivier Véran, today in the Tarn, the task is twofold: to show that the government has taken the full measure of the needs by detailing the investments but also to show, five months before the presidential election, that Emmanuel Macron has well managed the Covid crisis and learned from it.

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