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Health spending increased in 2020

Between the purchase of protective masks and PCR tests, health insurance reimbursements exploded in 2020. However, the teleconsultation had the effect of reducing the frequency of trips to the doctor’s office. And this, to the detriment of general practitioners, professors and other specialists who have not been able to generate a profit.

The 2020 health crisis had a major impact on the management of medical reimbursements. The figures of health insurance report an increase in health spending by French households. However, this improvement was not profitable for all the sectors concerned.

Among the most neglected care during the first confinement are those that require direct contact. Masseurs for example register a loss of 11.9%. The decline is 9.4% for dentists. For their part, general practitioners were not in great demand either. With the new strains of the coronavirus, subscription to a mutual health s’impose.


Containment to establish and promote teleconsultation

Confined to their homes, patients had to adapt to regulations imposed by health restrictions. This unprecedented period made it possible to set up innovative systems. These include the teleconsultation which, according to the definition of the Ministry of Health:

Allows a medical professional to give a consultation remotely through information and communication technologies.

Thus, patients can now talk to their treating physicians by video calls. Thanks to this technological innovation, sufferers have easier access to care. However, they must have a computer, phone or digital tablet connected to the Internet.

Teleconsultation is revolutionizing the patient-doctor relationship, because there is no longer any need to travel. Diagnosis is quick and accurate, and if ever an emergency evacuation is required, the protocol is speeded up.

But above all, the spread of the coronavirus is limited, as medical offices are closed. The only downside is the absence of human contact particularly useful for taking constants.

The impacts of the coronavirus in a few figures

Marked by the coronavirus pandemic, 2020 has generated a significant increase in health spending. The data recorded by the Health Insurance confirm this. An increase of 6.5% was reported, with a large variation in the numbers compared to 2.8% in 2019 and 2.7% in 2018.


However, containment has not been beneficial for all healthcare professionals. Indeed, medical specialists suffered a decline of 6.7%. While the consultation rate among general practitioners was – 6.1%. Other areas of intervention such as physiotherapy and dentistry have had to cope with the economic shock.

The medical transport was also harmed with a 9.1% reduction in urgent or scheduled travel requests.

The most recurring health expenses related to protective masks, PCR and antigen tests.

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