Home » today » Health » Health Services has attended 132 multiple births in SLP during 2024 – El Sol de San Luis

Health Services has attended 132 multiple births in SLP during 2024 – El Sol de San Luis

About 1-2 percent of pregnancies worldwide result in twins. In recent years, the number of twin pregnancies has increased due to factors such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other fertility treatments, while triplets and more, are much less common, occurring in less than 0.1 percent of births.

In the course of 2024, 132 multiple births have been attended to in the State’s hospital units in the non-entitled population.said José Jesús González Hernández, head of the Hospitals department of the State Government’s Health Services.

Multiple births occur when a mother gives birth to more than one baby in a single birth.. This includes twins, triplets, quadruplets, among others. Although multiple births are less common, in recent decades they have increased in part due to assisted fertilization treatments.

Although multiple births can have certain medical challenges, let’s talk about prematurity, Most babies born in multiple births tend to be born before 37 weeks of gestation, low birth weightsince multiple babies They are usually smaller due to limited space in the uterus, and finally pregnancy complications, since mothers with multiple pregnancies have a higher risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, inter alia.

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There are several reasons by which multiple births can occur, such as genetic inheritance, maternal age and fertility treatments. However, there are various types of multiple births such as twins, but these can be monozygotic twins, that is, identical or dizygotic, which means fraternalgiving rise to babies that do not share the same genetic material. The Triplets and quadruplets can also be of two types, just like monozygotic (equal) or dizygotic twins.but often, triplets and quadruplets are born through fertility treatments.

Within the framework of World Day of Multiple Birthssearched promote awareness about the medical, emotional and social care requiredas well as highlighting advances in specialized medical care, with the aim of recognizing the uniqueness and challenges that families face.

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in recent years, There has been a 3-5 percent increase in the incidence of multiple births compared to the previous decadein line with the increase in fertility treatments.

Statistics also indicate that The number of multiple births has increased rapidly in the last two decadesreflecting the increase in the use of reproductive technologies.

It is like this, that Multiple pregnancies in Mexico represent a small but growing proportion of all birthswith a significant impact in terms of maternal and neonatal complications. Trends indicate that late motherhood and fertility treatments will continue to influence this phenomenon.

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