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Health restructures anticovid-19 vaccination sites in Quito; What points will be enabled?

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) announced that adjustments will be made to anticovid-19 vaccination process in Quito, this Saturday, June 19, 2021. One of them is the restructuring of the inoculation sites for citizens. This will be in force from Monday, June 21, 2021.

Currently, in the city there are 51 inoculation sites for citizens. The MSP made an analysis on how many and which points have little influx of people; as well as those that concentrate a large amount. In addition, the places where there are drawbacks. Therefore from the 21st they will be activated 31 fixed centers for those who have assigned appointments, through the CNE and according to the MSP’s schedule.

In recent days, inconveniences were reported in the capital, due to the lack of second doses of the firm Pfizer-BioNtech. Some have returned home without formulas and others have had to wait more than two hours for its administration. What has caused crowds and general malaise.

The ECU 911 Integrated Security Service will add to the surveillance, through its camera system. If any is detected agglomeration of people an alert will be issued so that the authorities take the necessary measures. Among others, a drone will be used to review the vaccination points.

Here is the list of inoculation centers:

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